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Poster ID
Authors' names
SY Yau; YK Lee; SY Li; SK Lai; SP Law; S Huang; LC Lee; SL Wong
Author's provenances
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Introduction: The ageing population poses challenges to the health care industry worldwide. The huge demand for residential care home for the elderly (RCHE) services induces pressure on health care workers (HCWs) recruitment and retention. HCWs are personnel who have prominent roles in direct basic care to the older adults, and all kinds of hands-on care. Due to the “unpleasant” work nature, shift work, and physical demands for HCWs, it is essential to unfold how HCWs comprehend their working experiences. Methods: An integrative review was conducted to synthesize various streams of literature in order to generate new knowledge. Multiple databases such as CINAHL, ERIC, LWW nursing were adopted to search for relevant literature published between 2012 and 2022. Results: A total of 24 articles were retrieved at the initial stage, and 7 articles were sorted after in-depth review. In general, results supported that HCWs experienced positively on the works at RCHEs though there were job stresses. The HCWs perceived the roles at RCHEs as routinized and task-oriented by providing direct care to older adults. They perceived their roles at RCHEs as care providers who provided direct care to older adults. Also, their responsibilities to maintain the safety and dignity of older adults was expressed as utmost importance. The meaning of works lay on three levels: interpersonal (e.g. self-achievement), interpersonal (e.g. communication with team members), and job performance (e.g. task compliance). Conclusions: This study reveals the experiences of working at RCHE from the HCWs’ perspective. The HCWs’ experiences reflected in this study as well as the meaning of works discovered can generate insights for policy-makers on HCWs recruitment and retention. Acknowledgement: The work described in this abstract was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of HKSAR, China [RGC: UGC/FDS16/M12/20].

Poster ID
Authors' names
FEM Murtagh1, M Okoeki1, BO Ukoha-kalu1, A Khamis1, J Clark1, JW Boland1, S Pask1, U Nwulu1, H Elliott-Button1, A Folwell2, MJ Johnson1, D Harman2
Author's provenances
1 Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre, Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, UK. 2 City Health Care Partnership, Hull, UK
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Integrated care potentially improves coordination and health outcomes for older people with frailty. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of a new, proactive, multidisciplinary care service in improving the well-being and quality of life of older people with frailty.



A community-based non-randomised controlled trial. Participants (≥65 years, electronic Frailty Index ≥0.36) received either the new integrated care service plus usual care, or usual care alone. Data collection was at 3-time points: baseline, 2-4 weeks, and 10-14 weeks; the primary outcome was patient well-being at 2-4 weeks, measured using the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale, IPOS. The secondary outcome was quality of life, measured using EQ-5D-5L. Well-being and quality of life at 10-14 weeks were measured to test safety and duration of effect. Data were analysed with STATA v17.



199 intervention and 54 control participants were recruited. At baseline, participants were similar in age, gender, body mass index, ethnicity, and living status. At 2-4 weeks, the intervention group had improved well-being (median IPOS reduction 5, versus control group increase 2, p<0.001) and improved quality of life (median EQ-5D index values increase 0.12 versus control 0.00, p<0.001); these were clinically significant. After adjusting for age, gender and living status, the intervention group had an average total IPOS score reduction of 6.34 (95% CI: -9.01: -4.26, p<0.05). Propensity score matching analysis based on functional status and deprivation score showed similar results (reduction in IPOS score in intervention group 7.88 (95% CI: -12.80: -2.96, p<0.001). At 10-14 weeks, the intervention group sustained well-being improvement (median IPOS score reduction of 4, versus control increase of 2, p<0.001) and improved quality of life (median EQ-5D index values increase 0.06 versus control -0.01, p<0.001).



The new integrated care service improves the overall well-being and quality of life of older people with frailty at 2-4 weeks; improvement was sustained at 3 months.


Ethics Approval

IRAS-250981 and NHS Research Ethics Committee 18/YH/0470


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Absolutely brilliant, we are just about to start planning to set up a clinic in our GP practice with these sorts of aims.  Our aim was more to target pre/mild frailty but this shows that it can even work with more severely frail patients.

My questions are:

How did you approach patients?  Once identified via EFI were they just sent a letter/telephoned?

Did you have any issues with patients coming in to the centre for assessment. Our most common issue is transport.

How was follow up done?  In person or were the questionnaires posted out?

Thank you so much this is going to be really helpful for us going forward!

Submitted by Miss Aileen Mc… on


Hi Aileen McCartney,

Thank you for your kind words. 

These patients are referred to the 'new service' by their GP. The 'new service' in Hull was established to provide integrated, anticipatory, multidisciplinary care for older people living with frailty.

A member of the team visits the patient in their home prior to the centre's attendance to pre-assess and identify concerns that the patient wishes to discuss when they attend their assessment.

Participants were provided with a complimentary lunch and free transport to and from the centre.

The follow-up was done in person.


I wish you success in setting up the clinic.  You can reach out to the study team:; if you need further information

Submitted by Dr Blessing On… on

In reply to by Miss Aileen Mc…


Thanks for your interest - we hope the paper will be published soon, and you are very welcome to reach out by email if you have more queries, as Blessing says.

Submitted by Fliss Murtagh on

In reply to by Miss Aileen Mc…

Poster ID
Authors' names
K Marsh 1,2; A Avery 1; and O Sahota 2.
Author's provenances
1. School of Biosciences, Nottingham University 2. Department for Health Care of Older People, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Introduction: Malnutrition is a debilitating condition in hospitalised older people. There has been limited studies exploring dietary intake and oral nutritional supplement (ONS) compliance in these people. The purpose of this service evaluation was to observe daily energy and protein intake, plate waste and ONS compliance and to report food waste at ward level.

Methods: Three-day dietary (food-only) intake and plate waste of 19 older (≥ 65 years) people on a hospital trauma and orthopaedic (T&O) ward were assessed. Patients were categorised as ‘nutritionally well’ or ‘nutritionally vulnerable’ as per British Dietetics Association’s (BDA) Nutrition and Hydration Digest criteria. Dietary intake was calculated by a Dietitian and compared with adjusted BDA standards to exclude energy and protein from drinks. Ward plate and food trolley waste were weighed after lunch and supper for five days. Thirty-three ONS from 11 patients were collected before disposal and weighed.

Results: Mean age of the patients were 84 ± 9 years (9 female, and 10 male) with the most common injury hip fracture (68.4%). Mean (standard deviation, SD) intake for ‘nutritionally well’ was 1592 (257) kcal/day and 65.7(8.5) g/day protein and ‘nutritionally vulnerable’ (n= 15) 643 (354) kcal/day and 24.8 (14.0) g/day protein. Plate waste for ‘nutritionally well’ was 4.1 (5.8)% at main meals and 1.7 (3.4)% at pudding and for ‘nutritionally vulnerable’ 53.1 (26.6)% at main meals and 38.6 (32.2)% at pudding. Compliance to ONS was 28.3 (38.8)%. The combined mealtime plate waste weighed 6.2 (1.2) kg/day and food-trolley waste 6.2 (0.9) kg/day. This equates to approximately 4526kg/year (4.5T).

Conclusions: Energy and protein intake and compliance to ONS in older T&O patients is sub-optimal. Food waste is high and urgently needs addressing. Further, interventions are warranted to improve dietary intake in hospital and to explore the acceptability of alternative ONS food/drink styles.


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Excellent work- wish one can look into the same in medical wards for elderly patients too. In T&O ward there are issues of NBM for theatre which is a confounding factor 

Submitted by a.dos_santos on

Poster ID
Authors' names
Abigail Moore, Margaret Glogowska, Dan Lasserson, Gail Hayward
Author's provenances
University of Oxford
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Older people living in care homes sometimes experience episodes of acute functional decline. These represent a diagnostic challenge to healthcare professionals and can result in antibiotic prescriptions or hospital admissions, though this may not always the most appropriate management strategy. We aimed to understand how episodes of acute functional decline are recognised, managed and escalated by care home staff in the UK.



This was a qualitative interview study with UK care home staff, including managers, nurses and carers. Participants were recruited through advertisements circulated via email, social media and word of mouth. Semi-structured interviews were conducted over the phone between January 2021 and April 2022. Thematic analysis was facilitated by NVivo software. 



25 care home staff were interviewed. Participants described feeling confident in recognising when residents were less well than usual, especially if they knew them well. However, they sometimes felt it was difficult to differentiate between an ‘off day’ and something more significant. Most participants talked about clear early communication amongst the team to flag a resident of concern. Initial management steps in the care home included checking clinical observations and doing a urine dipstick. Many participants talked about considering the underlying cause for deterioration. Some participants felt comfortable monitoring residents for a few days themselves or trying a simple intervention. Others preferred escalating directly to outside clinical support.  Triggers for escalation included perceived severity of illness, gut feeling or failure to respond to initial supportive management.



These results highlight the skill base of care home staff. However, it has also helped to identify areas for additional support and training including the use and interpretation of the urine dipstick. The findings of this study are being used to inform the design of a feasibility prospective cohort study of UK care home residents.


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This is very interesting! I wonder how the knowledge gained during the first few waves of the pandemic is used now. Has there been any attrition or repurposing of skills? Is there any bias towards recognising respiratory problems over other signs of acute illness because of the availability of pulse oximeters?

Poster ID
Authors' names
S Ward1; J Van der Meer2,3; S Thistlethwaite4,5; A Greenwood1; K Appadurai4,5; S Kanagarajah4,5; G Watson4; R Adam4; M Campbell3; E Eeles*6; M Breakspear*2,3.
Author's provenances
1. Redcliffe Hospital; 2. QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute; 3. University of Newcastle; 4. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital; 5. Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS); 6. The Prince Charles Hospital
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Delirium is a common condition in older hospitalised patients causing high morbidity and mortality. The neurobiological basis for delirium is uncertain and, for numerous reasons, research in this area has been limited. Several recent studies have demonstrated that functional neuroimaging in delirium is achievable and has suggested that a brain region termed the default mode network (DMN), may play a cardinal role in delirium pathogenesis. We set out to develop a pilot study to demonstrate that it is feasible to undertake functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans in older patients with acute delirium.


Observational pilot study obtaining a fMRI scan of inpatients in an Australian, tertiary hospital, geriatric ward. Eligible patients diagnosed as delirious by a geriatrician were compared against non-delirious controls. Informed consent was obtained. A novel scanning paradigm was developed. Sequences assed brain structure and functional networks in resting state and during a simple task of sustained attention and response inhibition.


11 participants have been scanned. 6 participants were delirious: mean age 81 years (range 77 – 85 years), 3 female. 5 participants were non-delirious: mean age 83.4years (range 79 -90 years), 2 female. 10 of the 11 participants completed the full imaging protocol, including task engagement. Head movement during scanning, was generally within acceptable limits. Data demonstrates considerable cortical atrophy and ventricular enlargement consistent with age. Preliminary fMRI analyses show a variable pattern of cortical recruitment during task engagement in delirious patients.


These findings show it is ethically and logistically feasible to engage elderly patients with acute delirium into a high end structural and functional imaging study.


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That's very interesting. May I ask what criteria your team used to diagnose delirium? Was it a specific tool?

Have there been any studies looking at fMRI in people with a diagnosis of dementia? 


Poster ID
Authors' names
Khalid Ali 1,2, Ekow A Mensah1, Eugene Ace McDermott1, Jennifer Stevenson3, Victoria Hamer, Nikesh Parekh1 , Rebekah Schiff3, Tischa Van Der Cammen4, Stephen Nyangoma5 , Sally Fowler-Davis6, Graham Davies3 , Heather Gage7, Chakravarthi Rajkumar 1
Author's provenances
1 Brighton and Sussex Medical School 2 University Hospitals Sussex 3 Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation 4 Delft University 5 Imperial College, 6 Sheffield-Hallam University, 7 Surrey University
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Medication-related harm (MRH) events are increasing among older adults especially in the 8-weeks after hospital discharge. The Discharge Medical Service (DMS), a UK initiative, aims to reduce post-discharge MRH. In this study, we will compare the clinical, economic, and service outcomes of the DMS.


Using a randomized control trial design, 682 older adults ≥ 65years due for hospital-discharge will be recruited. Participants will be randomized to either intervention arm (medicine management plan (MMP) and DMS), or control arm (DMS only) using a 1:1 stratification. The MMP includes patient and carer education about MRH, copy of discharge medications, and MRH risk score calculated using a validated prediction tool (1). Data collection includes patient clinical and social demographics, and admission and discharge medications. At 8-weeks post discharge, study pharmacist will verify MRH through patient telephone interview, and review of patients’ GP records. Data Analysis Univariate analysis will be done for baseline variables comparing the intervention and control arms. Variables known to be associated with MRH will be described by the randomisation groups. Further multivariate logistic regression will be done incorporating these variables. Economic evaluation will compare the cost-of-service use among the two arms and modelled to provide national estimates. Qualitative data from focus group interviews at participating hospital sites will explore practitioners’ understanding and acceptance of the DMS and MMP.


This study will inform the use of a validated MRH risk prediction tool, and provide a clinical, and economic evaluation of the DMS and MMP in the NHS. The study has ethics approval and is adopted in the national ageing research portfolio. We are seeking additional sites. Reference 1. Parekh N, Ali K, Davies JG, et al. Medication-related harm in older adults following hospital discharge: development and validation of a prediction tool. BMJ Quality & Safety 2020; 29:142-153.


Good description of a planned study

Well written

It plans to find the best way to reduce medication related harm

How will this study fit in with what many sites are already doing along these lines as potential bias is there and some sites may be very happy with their intervention and not keen to try anything new. Something for you to consider

Well done

Poster ID
Authors' names
E Halton-Hernandez1; K Ali1; G Cooney2; R Abrams2
Author's provenances
1. University of Essex; 2. Brighton and Sussex Medical School; 3. National Development Team for Inclusion; 4. Weill Cornell Medical College.
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



The therapeutic benefits of narrative in terminally ill patients is widely studied and evidenced in the research literature. The Hospice Biographers are a charity offering a professional free service for end-of-life patients the opportunity to audio-record their life story in a memory stick and to keep copies for themselves and for their families. The objective of this qualitative study is to explore the experience of a group of people either recording or listening to an audio-biography.


Five semi-structured in-depth interviews with terminally ill adults who recorded an audio-biography and another interview with a family member were conducted virtually. Transcripts of the zoom interviews were coded using thematic analysis.


Our findings showed that patients found talking to a trained audio-biographer provided a neutral, non-judgemental interlocutor. The biographer helped them reminisce in a guided conversation navigating their life stories in chronological order. The experience of planning for the recording varied from preparing a mind-map, to writing down some guide notes or no preparation at all. Patients reported a feeling of catharsis while telling their stories as well as being able to reflect on and analyse significant life events. However, it was challenging to convey difficult emotions whilst being mindful of how patients’ life stories might be perceived by families. Although there was a degree of uncertainty about impact of the recording upon listeners, it was felt that leaving a voice-recorded account would still be informative and beneficial. A personal narrative could also provide a wider historical account of the relevant time period. Some individuals fed back that they would have valued the opportunity to edit their recording after listening and include a visual element.


Recording an audio-biography in terminal illness allows patients a space for reflection and provides a valued connection with immediate family members and future generations.



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Poster ID
Authors' names
BE Warner (1, 2) ; A Harry (2,3); M Wells (2,4); SJ Brett (1, 2); DB Antcliffe (1,2)
Author's provenances
(1) Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK; (2) Imperial College London, London, UK; (3) Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; (4) Directorate of Nursing, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Introduction The decision to admit an older patient to the intensive care unit (ICU) should reflect shared goals of care. Resource limitations during the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted challenges in selecting candidates for escalation. Patients and next of kin (NoK) who have experienced ICU are well-placed to reflect on whether the admission was right for them. Objective: To explore older patients’ (65 years) and their loved ones’ views on escalation decision making. Methods Qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with patients, NoK of survivors and NoK of deceased who experienced UK ICU admission with Covid-19 respiratory failure between March 2020 and February 2021. A preliminary questionnaire was used to maximise sample diversity of age, sex, ethnicity, survival, decision regret and impact of event scores. Interview data were collected via video conferencing or telephone. Transcripts were analysed using framework analysis. Results 30 participants were interviewed. Five themes were identified: ‘Inevitability’ - a sense that the illness and its management are out of the control of the patient or their loved one; ‘Disconnect’ - differences between hospital and lay person narratives; challenges to bridging that gap included effective communication aided by technology; ‘Acceptance’ - of the consequences, good or bad, of an intensive care admission as unalterable; ‘Beyond comprehension’ - participants had not contemplated ill health or ICU prior to admission and even with the benefit of hindsight struggled to describe which potential outcomes would be acceptable or unacceptable if they needed to be involved in similar decision-making around escalation in the future; ‘Covid-19’ - unique impact of a pandemic. Conclusion This study, which includes bereaved NoK as well as patients and NoK of survivors, adds perspective to inform decision making regarding treatment escalation of older people.


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Really interesting work - thank you!

Submitted by Dr Sarah McCracken on


Thank you!

Submitted by Dr Bronwen Warner on

In reply to by Dr Sarah McCracken

Poster ID
Authors' names
Marina Politis; Lynsay Crawford; Bhautesh Jani; Barbara Nicholl; Jim Lewsey; David A McAllister; Frances S Mair; Peter Hanlon
Author's provenances
University of Glasgow, Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Background : Three challenges for ageing populations are frailty (a state of reduced physiological reserve), social isolation (objective lack of social connections), and loneliness (subjective experience of feeling alone). These are associated with adverse outcomes. This study aims to examine how frailty in combination with loneliness or social isolation is associated with all-cause mortality and hospitalisation rate using data from UK Biobank, a large population-based research cohort. Methods: 502,456 UK Biobank participants were recruited 2006-2010. Baseline data assessed frailty (via two measures: Fried frailty phenotype, Rockwood frailty index), social isolation, and loneliness. Adjusted cox-proportional hazards models assessed association between frailty in combination with loneliness or social isolation and all-cause mortality. Negative binomial regression models assessed hospitalisation rate. Findings: Frailty, social isolation, and loneliness are common in UK Biobank (frail as per frailty phenotype 3.38%, frail as per frailty index 4.68%, social isolation 9.04%, loneliness 4.75%). Social isolation/loneliness were more common in frailty/pre-frailty. Frailty is associated with increased mortality regardless of social isolation/loneliness. Hazard ratios for frailty (frailty phenotype) were 3.38 (3.11-3.67) with social isolation and 2.89 (2.75-3.05) without social isolation, 2.94 (2.64-3.27) with loneliness and 2.9 (2.76-3.04) without loneliness. Social isolation was associated with increased mortality at all levels of frailty; loneliness only in robust/pre-frail. Frailty was also associated with hospitalisation regardless of social isolation/loneliness. Incidence rate ratios for frailty (frailty phenotype) were 3.93 (3.66-4.23) with social isolation and 3.75 (3.6-3.9) without social isolation, 4.42 (4.04-4.83) with loneliness and 3.69 (3.55-3.83) without loneliness. At all levels frailty, social isolation/loneliness are associated with increased hospitalisation Results were similar using the frailty index definition. Conclusion: Social isolation is relevant at all levels frailty. Risk of loneliness is more pronounced in those who are robust or pre-frail. Proactive identification of loneliness regardless of physical health status may provide opportunities for intervention.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
CW Tan, O Sahota
Author's provenances
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Vertebral fragility fractures (VFF) are the most common osteoporotic fracture. VFF can result in significant pain requiring hospitalisation. However, there is little data on patient numbers, hospital bed days and costs, contributed to by these patients.



We report a retrospective analysis of patients aged 55 years and over admitted to hospitals across England from 2017-2019. ICD-10 classifications for VFF and OPCS codes were used to identify admissions and patients who had undergone vertebral augmentation (VA).



There were a total of 99,240 patients (61% Female) admitted during this period, with 64,370 (65%) patients aged 75 and over. On average, there was a 14.3% increase in admissions annually. The increasing trend was more notable in those aged 75 years and over. Patients aged over 75 years accounted for 1.5 million bed days, costing £465million (median length of stay (MLOS) 14.4 days). In comparison, those aged 55-74 years, accounted for 659,000 bed days, costing £239 million (MLOS 10.7 days). The majority of patients (84%) were admitted under a non-surgical speciality and were primarily older (median age 76.8 vs 67.6 years, MLOS 8.2 vs 6.0 days). 1755 patients underwent VA (1.8% of the total cohort). 775 (44.2%) of these were aged 75 years and over. The MLOS and cost per patient admission was lower in the VA group compared to those managed non-surgically (MLOS 2.4 vs 10.8 days, p=<0.01, cost £4737 vs £7250)



Patients aged 75 years and over hospitalised with VFF represented a significant number, cost, use of bed days and associated longer MLOS. Those undergoing VA had a significantly shorter length of stay. Further studies are necessary to identify older patients with VFF who may benefit from early VA.


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Is this a single vertebroplasty injection? Is this in keeping with published data? I imagine the short lis may well justify cost.

Thank you for the comment. We were unable to extrapolate this from the data. We were only able to establish if patients underwent Vertebral augmentation (VA), either in the form of vertebroplasty or balloon kyphoplasty, but due to the very small numbers, we had grouped both together.

Published data for VP/BKP for inpatients is limited, but given the data, this is certainly worth looking into.

Thank you for your comment. 

Yes. The data we have received were for all patients admitted as an emergency admission to hospital and the ICD-10 codes were used to distinguish VFF from traumatic/pathological fractures.