Abstract Content -
Background/purpose: To prepare future physicians to care for a growing aging population, the Canadian Geriatrics Society (CGS) Education Committee formed a working group in 2019 to update the 2009 Core Competencies in the Care of Older Persons for Canadian Medical Students. The goal is to assist medical educators with developing relevant undergraduate medical curriculum. Methods: The working group chose 5Ms model and canMEDs framework to develop the competencies. A modified Delphi process was used. National participants were recruited and three rounds of Delphi surveys were conducted via survey monkey. A 7 point Likert scale was used for each competency statement.
Results: The first round was conducted in October 2019, n=72, identifying the importance and skill level of the components of the competencies under three headings; knowledge, skills and attitudes. The second round was conducted in September 2020, n=54, with proposed competencies under seven headings; aging, caring for older adults, (5Ms): mind, mobility, medications, multi-complexity and matters the most with > 70 % agreement for all. Based on the strength of the agreement and comments, minor revisions were made and the final survey was conducted in June 2021. The agreement level for competencies varied from 85 - 98 %. Thirty-three core geriatric competencies were developed under 7 headings. The CGS education committee approved the competencies in Dec 2021.
Conclusion: The 2021 Aging Care 5M Competencies framework integrates new concepts and knowledge that inform current practice in the field of geriatrics. Thirty-three core geriatric competencies for the graduating undergraduate medical student were developed and classified under 7 headings. The framework was distributed to the accreditation and examination bodies and Canadian medical schools and was published in Academic medicine. 2024 Feb 1;99(2):198-207. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005475. Epub 2023 Nov 19. Currently we are working on implementation of the competencies.