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Poster ID
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Thomas, D.,
Author's provenances
1. Sirona Care and Health/University of the West of England.



The housebound population are growing in number, with a large proportion living rurally or in coastal areas, which increases the risks of isolation and health inequalities. This population are an under researched and underserved group (Public Health England, 2019). Being unable to leave the home is a factor for living in the poorest of health, which contributes to advancing levels of frailty, Curtis et al (2018). Considering the current focus of empowerment to ‘age well’ (NHS England Long Term Plan, 2019), a granular understanding of community focused ageing well interventions is the focus of this review to empower clinicians to ‘make every contact count’ (NHS England 2020).


A narrative evidence review of findings has been completed entitled ‘ageing well interventions to improve and maintain independent living for community housebound populations.’ The review was registered with PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews (CRD 42022371047) and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). Data screening was undertaken by two reviewers at each stage to ensure accuracy, quality, and reliability.


The results have identified key health interventions designed and delivered by community clinicians, including benefits of exercise, medication review, oral health, and health empowerment to improve outcomes for the housebound population. The results have outlined a total of twenty-nine outcome measures, which have been examined intrinsically and extrinsically to explore greatest impact for housebound health.


At the time of the Autumn conference, the research study will have completed the systematic review and be able to present findings to illustrate the areas of intervention synthesized for the target population. Key to this will be understanding the effectiveness and generalizability to a wider population of the literature findings. The poster presentation will be able to share progress of the wider study with opportunities to take part.


Curtis, L and Price, H. (2018) Meeting the challenges of housebound patients with diabetes. Practical Diabetes. 35:2. Pp55-57.

National Health Service England (2019) Long Term Plan. NHS England. London.

National Health Service England (2020) Making Every contact count: a consensus statement. NHS England. London.

Public Health England. (2019) Health Profile for England. Public Health England. London.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
A Ankobia 1 on behalf of; D Curran 2; TM Doherty 2; N Lecrenier 2; T Breuer 2.
Author's provenances
1. GSK, London, United Kingdom; 2. GSK, Wavre, Belgium.
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



In the European Union, life expectancy has increased from 74 to 81 years between 1990 and 2018. Time spans living in ill health are also increasing. Vaccine recommendations focus primarily on vaccines that prevent death thereby extending length of life. The focus should also include vaccines that promote healthy ageing (HA), improving the quality of longer lifespans. The aims of this review are to describe the impact of herpes zoster (HZ) in adults ≥50 Years of Age (YOA), and to summarise the available evidence on how the recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) contributes to HA.


We conducted a narrative review of published literature on the impact of developing HZ on HA and the ability of vaccination to prevent the subsequent burden of disease. Specifically, we describe HZ impact on functioning ability and quality of life, and impact of RZV on reducing the burden of HZ in adults ≥50 YOA.


One in three people develop HZ in their lifetime. Approximately, 15 million cases of HZ occur annually worldwide in adults ≥50 YOA. Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN, pain persisting for ≥ 90 days) occurs in up to 30% of patients, with HZ ophthalmicus affecting up to 25% of patients. HZ presents as a unilateral, vesicular rash with pain scored as “worst pain imaginable” in ≥15% of patients. Treatment options for HZ and its complications are limited and suboptimal with only 14% of patients with PHN satisfied with their treatment. Pain significantly impacts sleep, mood, physical, social and mental functioning. RZV elicits a strong and long-lasting immune response, targeting the decline in cellular immunity. RZV reduced the burden of HZ pain and interference on activities on daily living by >90% in adults aged ≥50 YOA.


RZV, by preventing HZ episodes, supports maintenance of functional ability contributing to wellbeing in older age.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
NZ Safdar1; S Kamalathasan2; A Gupta1; J Wren3; R Bird1; D Papp1; R Latto1; A Ahmed1; V Palin3; J Gierula1; KK Witte4; S Straw1
Author's provenances
1. School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 2. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Bradford, UK; 3. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK; 4. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Abstract category
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Introduction: Older people may be less likely to receive cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) for the management of chronic heart failure. We aimed to describe differences in clinical response, complications, and subsequent outcomes following CRT implantation in older patients when compared to those that were younger.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients implanted with CRT between March 2008 and July 2017. We recorded complications, symptomatic and echocardiographic response, hospitalisations for heart failure, and all-cause mortality comparing patients aged <70, 70-79, and ≥80 years.

Results: During the study period, 574 patients (median age 76 years [IQR 68-81], 73.3% male) received CRT.  Patients aged ≥80 years had worse symptoms at baseline and were more likely to have co-morbidities. Although the provision of guideline-directed medical therapy for heart failure was less optimal in those ≥80 years old, left ventricular function was similar at baseline. Older patients were less likely to receive CRT-defibrillators (which were twice as likely to require generator replacement) compared to CRT-pacemakers. Complications were infrequent and not more common in older patients. Age was not a predictor of symptomatic or echocardiographic response to CRT (67.2%, 71.2%, and 62.6% responders in patients aged <70, 70-79, and ≥80 years, respectively; p=0.43) and time to first heart failure hospitalisation was similar across all groups (p=0.28). Finally, estimated 10-year survival was lower for older patients (49.9%, 23.9%, and 6.8% for patients aged <70, 70-79, and ≥80 years, respectively; p<0.001).

Conclusion: The benefits of CRT were consistent in selected older patients (≥80 years) despite a greater burden of co-morbidities and less optimal provision of guideline-directed medical therapy. These findings support the use of CRT in an aging population. 


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Poster ID
Authors' names
Naomi Morley1; Tim Sanders2; Victoria Goodwin1
Author's provenances
1. University of Exeter 2. Ageing Research Unit Patient and Public Involvement Group (PUPA), Kings College London



Patient and Public involvement is a cornerstone of the DREAM (Digital and Remote Enhancements for the Assessment and Management of older people) project. An advisory group of 10 diverse older people and carers was established to shape the research through regular discussions and explore inclusive involvement approaches for future work.


We conducted a reflective process evaluation to highlight the impact of the involvement process on the project and our public partners themselves. We collated impact logs, reflections and feedback from our public partners and an artist recorded the impacts using illustration.


The advisory group:

  • helped to lay the foundations of the project and steered its development with their views, knowledge and experiences
  • shaped how evidence is captured and analysed so that it is usable, acceptable and makes sense to older people and carers
  • provided insights to consider for implementation and shaped our dissemination strategy

Our public partners and researchers also expressed relational impacts such as shared ownership. Public partners joined this project to improve health care for other people. They felt safe to share their experiences and be listened to. It gave them confidence in their health management, and they have built friendships. People also found comfort in the diversity of individuals and sharing common concerns.


Public partners have been instrumental in the development of the DREAM project and supported the programme by being a critical friend beyond the remit of the research. Continued communication and feedback resulted in public partners feeling heard and their suggestions acted upon.  Researchers and public partners felt gratitude, ownership and joy working on this project, and finding shared values. Our involvement approaches have shaped reciprocal relationships and had impact on our research culture, forming a foundation to the values of the people it is serving.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
1 M Medina; 1 M Amaya; 1 L Dulcey; 1 J Gomez; 1 J Vargas; 1 A Lizcano; 2 J Theran ; 1 C Hernandez; 1 M Ciliberti ; 1 C Blanco
Author's provenances
1. Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Seedbed of Internal Medicine Colombia. 2. University of Santander, Specialization in Family Medicine, Colombia.
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Introduction: A growing body of evidence suggests that metabolic syndrome is associated with endocrine disorders, including thyroid dysfunction. Thyroid dysfunction in patients with metabolic syndrome may further increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, thus increasing mortality. This study was conducted to assess thyroid function in patients with metabolic syndrome and to assess its relationship to components of metabolic syndrome.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 170 geriatric patients. Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference) and blood pressure were taken. Fasting blood samples were analyzed for glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone).

Results: Thyroid dysfunction was observed in 31.9% (n = 54) of patients with metabolic syndrome. Subclinical hypothyroidism (26.6%) was the main thyroid dysfunction followed by overt hypothyroidism (3.5%) and subclinical hyperthyroidism (1.7%). Thyroid dysfunction was much more common in women (39.7%, n=29) than in men (26%, n=25), but not statistically significant (p=0.068). The relative risk of having thyroid dysfunction in women was 1.525 (CI: 0.983-2.368) compared to men. Significant differences (p = 0.001) were observed in waist circumference between patients with and without thyroid dysfunction and HDL cholesterol that had a significant negative correlation with thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction, particularly subclinical hypothyroidism, is common among patients with metabolic syndrome and is associated with some components of metabolic syndrome (waist circumference and HDL cholesterol).


Poster ID
Authors' names
Whitney J.1,2 ; Turner L.2;
Author's provenances
1. King's College London / Hospital. 2. St Augustine's College of Theology
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Little is known about how Health Care Professionals (HCPs) conducting Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) assess spiritual needs.  

The aim of this study was to better understand how UK HCPs understand and incorporate assessment of spirituality into CGA for community dwelling frail older people.


Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with HCPs who regularly undertake CGA in the community as well as Anna Chaplains (ACs) whose remit is to provide chaplaincy to community dwelling older people. An inductive approach was taken using a topic guide to structure the interviews.  Thematic analysis was undertaken using NVIVO. Ethics approval was granted through St Augustine’s College of Theology.


Three HCPs and two ACs were interviewed. Three themes emerged.

Firstly, that spiritual assessment needs time, trust and skill and cannot be established using checklists. Assessment hinges on building a rapport between the patient and HCP. HCPs and ACs suggested potential questions that could support assessment of spiritual needs.  Secondly, supporting spirituality is focused on sustaining identity, fostering hope and encouraging spiritual growth.  Finally, health care professionals lacked confidence and understanding in how to recognise and meet spiritual needs. Several suggestions were made as to how to address this. 

Key conclusion

All participants agreed that incorporating assessment of spirituality into CGA was important but that doing so effectively requires understanding and skill. The questions suggested by participants mapped well onto existing models of spirituality in ageing and frailty. Study findings could be used to develop training for HCPs undertaking CGA.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
*SL Davidson1,2; *A Murray1; J Hardy1; T Randall1; G Lyimo3; J Kilasara4; S Urasa3; RW Walker1,2; CL Dotchin1,2. *Joint first author
Author's provenances
1. Newcastle University, UK; 2. Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, UK; 3. Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania; 4. Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Tanzania
Abstract category
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Background: Non-communicable disease, multimorbidity and frailty are posing considerable challenges as global populations age. Healthcare systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries are having to rapidly adapt services to meet the needs of older people.

Objective: This study, the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, aimed to establish whether screening older people for frailty on admission to hospital could be used to identify those at greatest risk of adverse outcomes.

Methods: At baseline assessment, 308 participants aged ≥60 years, admitted to medical wards at four hospitals in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania, were screened for frailty using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). After 10-12 months, participants, and their informants, were contacted by telephone to establish clinical outcomes. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (+ / - 95% confidence interval) for mortality, with dichotomised CFS frailty status (frail if ≥5) as the independent variable.

Results: Primary outcome data were obtained for 194 (63.0%) of the original participants after a mean follow-up period of 10.8 (+/- 0.9) months. Mean age was 75.1 years and 99 (51%) of the respondents were female. A total of 100 (51.5%) respondents were deceased and hazard ratios for all-cause mortality demonstrate that those with frailty were at significantly greater risk of mortality (HR 2.27 [CI 1.39 – 3.69], p<0.01), an effect that persisted even after adjustment for age, baseline Barthel Index, education and number of chronic conditions.

Conclusion: For older people living in Tanzania, unplanned admission to hospital is associated with high mortality and frailty is a strong independent predicator. In accurately identifying which older people are at the greatest risk, frailty screening using the CFS could provide a starting point for the development of targeted care pathways and interventions. 


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Authors' names
Dr Jess Gurney
Author's provenances
NHS Fife
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Background: This study aims to investigate the relationship between frailty and in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) outcomes in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: The study was carried out in a tertiary hospital in Scotland and included all patients over the age of 18 who had an in-hospital CPR attempt between April 2020 and March 2022. Patients were identified via the pre-existing National Cardiac Arrest Audit Database which was collected prospectively. Data collected from this included age, sex, initial arrest rhythm, return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and in-hospital mortality. The electronic and paper patient notes were retrospectively reviewed to calculate a Rockwood clinical frailty scale (CFS) and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). The data was stratified in to frail (CFS ≥5) and non-frail (CFS <5) cohorts.

Results: 65 patients were included in the study. In univariate analysis, there was a significant difference between the frail and non-frail groups in age (p=0.006), ROSC (p=0.02) and survival to discharge (p=0.004). Only 10 out of 34 (29.4%) frail patients had ROSC and of those only 3 (8.8%) survived to discharge compared to 35.3% of non-frail patients. In a binary logistic regression, there was a significant association between frailty and both ROSC (adjusted OR 3.31 [95% CI: 1.12-9.78}) and survival to discharge (adjusted OR 6.33 [95% CI: 1.48-27.13]) and no significant association with age, CCI or sex.

Conclusion: The findings support the relationship between frailty and poor CPR outcomes independent of age and co-morbidity.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
R Tadrous 1; A Forster 1; A Farrin 2; P Coventry 3; A Clegg 1
Author's provenances
1. Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research, the University of Leeds; 2. Leeds Institute for Clinical Trials Research, the University of Leeds; 3. Department of Health Sciences, the University of York


Introduction: Sedentary behaviour has been associated with several deleterious health outcomes and older adults are the fastest-growing and most sedentary group in society. This review aimed to systematically review quantitative and qualitative studies examining interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults.

Methods: This mixed-method systematic review (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42021264954) considered quantitative articles (randomised-controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster RCTs), qualitative articles (semi-structured interviews and focus groups) and mixed-method studies that explored interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults. Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, Cinahl, SportDiscus and PEDRO were searched from inception to March 2023. Articles were appraised using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool. Quantitative evidence was meta-analysed, qualitative evidence was thematically synthesised and both were combined in a mixed-method synthesis.

Results: Forty-one studies (15 RCTs, 21 qualitative and 5 mixed-method studies) were included. Interventions were somewhat effective at reducing sedentary time (-29.10 mins/day, 95% CI -51.74, -6.46). Three analytical themes were identified (what sitting means to older adults, expectations of ageing and social influence in older adults). The mixed-method synthesis identified that existing interventions have been limited by a recruited sample that is not representative of the wider population of older adults, and outcome measurement and intervention content that is not consistent with older adults’ priorities.

Conclusions: Future research should focus on inclusive recruitment strategies to recruit underrepresented populations (such as adults aged 75 years and above), incorporate outcome measures that are valued by older adults, and incorporate older adults’ preferences in intervention content.


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Personally, I agree very much. Sedentary behavior is a big neglected risk factor for many a adverse outcomes. Thanks for taking this work forward.

Poster ID
Authors' names
Adnan Shroufi; Mihail Garbuzov; Mark McPherson
Author's provenances
NHS Business Services Authority


Introduction: In 2021 the NHS Business Services Authority Data Science team openly published the first comprehensive nationwide analysis of over 65 care home versus non-care home prescribing. The analysis has been expanded to include three years of prescribing data and key falls risk prescribing metrics, offering new insight into falls risk prescribing for the over 65s in England.

Method: Patient address information from 1.8bn prescription forms was matched against 35m Ordnance Survey Address Base addresses. Patient addresses from prescription forms were classified as belonging to a care home or otherwise. Prescribing metrics around volume, cost, polypharmacy and falls risk were generated, with falls risk metrics informed by the STOPPFall study drug groups. These metrics were the mean number of falls risk medicines and proportion of patients prescribed three or more falls risk medicines within a given month.

Results: Over 65 care home patients received more prescribing of falls risk drugs than non-care home patients, whilst the proportion of care home patients on three or more falls risk drugs within a given month was double that of non-care home patients. Nearly 40% of care home patients aged 65-69 were prescribed three of more falls risk drugs within a given month, far more than both older care home patients and non-care home patients. Falls risk prescribing metrics displayed a great deal of variation by ICS and Local Authority.

Conclusion: Aside from headline figures and key findings, the analysis (due for public release in September 2023) allows granular analysis of over 65 falls risk prescribing, by patient age band, gender, geography and care home setting. The exploratory nature of the analysis lends itself to further investigation by healthcare analysts and clinicians, with the aim to gather feedback, iterate and expand the content annually.
