Introduction: The Centre for Perioperative Care recommends the assessment and documentation of delirium using a validated tool such as the 4-AT in older people undergoing surgery.
Aim: This quality improvement project (QIP) aimed to improve the assessment and documentation of delirium in patients aged 65 and above following vascular surgery in a tertiary centre.
Methods: Patients aged ≥65 years who had undergone vascular surgery were identified and data was collected with access to the electronic patient record system. Analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Following baseline measurements taken in August 2023, 1 plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle was completed between September 2023-January 2024.
Baseline measures: Baseline data collected between August 1-31st 2023 identified 51 patients, of which delirium was screened using the 4-AT tool in 39.2% (n=20), on average 90 hours post-operatively. The 4-AT was never documented in a consultant-led surgical post-operative review (100%,n=51). There were clinical concerns of post-operative delirium documented in 7 patients, with the 4-AT documented in 5 of those cases.
Intervention: Interventions included stakeholder discussions to identify key barriers in the assessment and documentation of delirium, multidisciplinary team education and poster reminders across the ward. These were introduced between November-December 2023.
Results: Post-intervention results reviewed between 10th-31st January 2024 showed that the 4-AT was used to screen for delirium in 61.9% of patients (n=13), on average 45 hours post-operatively. The 4-AT was never documented in a consultant-led surgical post-operative review. In addition, 2 patients developed delirium post-operatively with the 4-AT reported in both cases.
Conclusions: This QIP has demonstrated a marked improvement in compliance with national guidelines on the assessment of delirium, highlighting the impact of multidisciplinary education in improving the perioperative clinical pathway for older people undergoing surgery. Future PDSA cycles will focus on improving the documentation of 4AT in the post-operative surgical review.
Good work
Good work