Community Frailty Hotline Service: an innovative hospital avoidance model for frailer older people in Mid and South Essex Health

Poster ID
Authors' names
D Aggarwal; M Sweeting; S Kar; J Orpin; A Qureshi
Author's provenances
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Mid and South Essex University Hospitals Group.



Frailty Hotline Service (FHS) was set up initially in January 2021 to provide 24/7 advice and guidance to care home medical staff within the Mid & South Essex Health and Care Partnership footprint as a part of covid response. This was expanded to support GPs, Urgent Care Response Team (UCRT), community hospitals, hospices etc and later established as Community Frailty Hotline Service (FHS) with an aim for hospital avoidance and provide support to frailer older patients in their own places. Later, a Frailty Virtual Ward (FVW) was established to complement FHS within the MSE HCP.


FHS was led by 5 secondary care consultant geriatricians with direct access to telephone, 7 days service operating from 9 am till 10 pm weekdays and 9am till 10pm weekends in 1:5 rota. Unified online portal ‘Netcalls’ was used to directly call consultants. Documentation completed on dedicated Frailty Consultant Hotline Tab on SystmOne to be visible to all care providers. Data-collection automated via Netcall and SystmOne from March 2023 till January 2024.


Average number of call was 487/ month, 2098 advices given over 11 months. Referral mostly done by UCRT 1511 (72%) followed by GP 193 (9.19%). Hospital admission avoided in 7 days and 30 days where the advice given in 82.9% and 73.6% cases, respectively. Total bed days saved was 13920 Cost saving was over six million. Frailty score completed in 2982 cases. FVW referral done in 853 cases (40.6%). Feedback from FVW and UCRT, 95% found FHS was useful.


Our innovative model of FHS with direct access to geriatrician showed a safe and efficient model to support frailer older patients in the community with appropriate signposting to FVW and other community services as an alternative to acute hospital emergency admission and treat the right patient in the right place.


It would be fantastic to see a few sample consultations. Our VW is run by Acute Physicians (we don't have any Geriatricians). Would love to get some direction on how to start this.

Submitted by vera.van_der_zanden on
