The topic content is divided into the information types below
The BGS Autumn Meeting will cover the latest in evidence and best practice in the health and care of older people.
The BGS Spring Meeting 2021 is taking place on 28-30 April. Click here to view the programme, register or find out how to join online live or on demand.
A BGS webinar managing COVID from a community geriatric perspective
Covering core topics:SIG sessions on Stroke, Movement Disorders, Falls
The latest scientific research and best clinical practice in healthcare of older people
With advances in health technology moving at pace, this issue looks at the potential of these innovations in delivering better outcomes for older people. This content is limited to members only.
There has never been a better time to register for the BGS Spring Meeting.
Flexible registration options (hybrid, in person, online) will enable us all to come together in Birmingham, 22-24 May, to ‘Refresh Relax and Refocus’ and we can’t wait to see you!
Are you still undecided about attending the BGS Spring Meeting? Here are 10 reasons to register right now...
This year’s theme for the International Day of Older Persons is digital equity for all ages. This is timely given the acceleration of the use of digital communications and services during the pandemic and the risks that some people, particularly older people, could be left behind.
BGS members have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic and have been implementing innovative solutions to enable them to deal with the unprecedented demand for services, which have been summarised and submitted to NHS England ans NHS Improvement.
Writing is a form of communication. Hence, from a very young age onwards, there is an emphasis on having good handwriting. We are taught how to write capital letters, lowercase letters and then how to join them up, beautifying them and making them legible.
This resource aims to bring together useful sources of guidance, advice and information on carrying out safe, effective and successful remote consultations in a range of healthcare settings.
Assistive technology or telehealth, is designed to support people in their own homes. Telehealth is the remote exchange of data between a patient at home and clinicians to assist in diagnosis and monitoring.
Content from the BGS Cardiovascular SIG Webinar - COVID19 which took place on 25 June 2020.
The BGS is asking members and colleagues in Northern Ireland for examples of innovative changes to services over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Birmingham Community Healthcare Foundation Trust are part of the first test site pilot supporting to deliver TIHM (Technology Integrated Health Management) for dementia.
As of 2019, the ‘robot revolution’ promises to solve the ever-growing skilled-personnel shortage across industries. In healthcare, socially assistive robot technology promises to assume new roles to meet the growing demand of our ageing population.
NHS Scotland’s vision for 2020 is that we will “live longer healthier lives at home”.