
North West Region July Webinar

A free BGS webinar on managing COVID from a community geriatric perspective. This webinar will cover a core area of interest to all specialists responsible for the health care of older people and is open to attendees from near and far.

From 16.30 - 18.00

Who should join:

  • All professionals providing healthcare to older people
  • Although this conference is being organised by BGS North West all healthcare professionals are welcome to register regardless of geographical location for the educational session


  • Improve attendees' knowledge on the managing COVID from a community geriatric perspective
  • Inspire attendees to achieve personal excellence in the healthcare of older people in the community
  • Share focused best practice presentations and the latest research in healthcare of older people
  • Takeaway new activities and ideas to advance attendees' workplace services

Post Event Access

This meeting was delivered in Zoom. If you couldn't join live you can watch the sessions on demand for up to 12 months after the live broadcast. You will need to be registered for the meeting and allow up to 10 days post meeting broadcast to access the recording.

Once registered, or if returning please follow the steps below:

  • Look for an email sent titled "Slides Available online"
  • Follow the steps to navigate to the page or copy and paste the URL to open the
  • Make sure you are logged into the BGS site
  • If forgotten your password use the forgot password link.

Each presentation will be available to watch on demand. Scroll up and down the page to view the different presentations 


The RCP will allow you to claim CPD for up to 12 months after the delivery of a meeting, where the archives are accessible as they are in the platform, as dinstance learning.

If you watch you will need to record this in your CPD diary using the event code and hours but we won’t send a certificate for people who only watch post-event. 

Further information about CPD


Distance Learning

For the 2020/21 CPD year there will be no limit to the number of external credits that can be claimed for distance learning. In addition to the maximum of 10 approved distance learning credits you may add under the ‘Add Approved Entry’ tab, you may also add unlisted distance learning under the ‘Add Self-Certified Entry’ tab under the ‘Distance Learning’ sub-section. You will need to add them as an ‘External Self-Certified Distance Learning, Clinical or Non-Clinical’. Reading articles in online journals and e-libraries that are not approved should still be recorded as personal selfcertified distance learning. Online mandatory training required by your employer should still be recorded as internal CPD.

16.30 – 16.40 Registration and welcome

16.40 – 16.50 NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Greater Manchester

Professor Chris Todd, Professor of Primary Care & Community Health, University of Manchester

16.50 – 17.00 Greater Manchester community delirium pathway and toolkit

Helen Pratt, Project Manager, Dementia United, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership

17.00 – 17.10 Enhancing Health in Care Homes: How simple data can help

Professor Martin Vernon, Consultant Geriatrician, Clinical Director and Clinical Advisor Greater Manchester SCN and London Whipps Cross, Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust

17.10 – 17.20 Post pandemic virtual wards 

Dr Bushra Alam, Acute Physician, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

17.20 - 17.35 Panel questions and discussion

17.35 - 17.40 Closing comments

17.40 - 18.00 Social discussion