There is is a flexible transfer from in person to online attendance as clinical service and life balance require. Please check our FAQs below first for any queries you may have about attendance in person or on demand watching.
The safety of all attending BGS meetings is our number one priority. We are conscious that geriatricians and multidisciplinary professionals are caring for older people living with frailty and multi-morbidity, who are known to be particularly vulnerable. If you are feeling unwell, and choose not to attend an event in person you can access the content online live, or watch later when able. Content is available for 12 months post live event date.
Likewise if work or personal circumstances change we are happy to adjust your attendance pattern.
There is is a flexible transfer from in person to online attendance as clinical service and life balance require. Please check our FAQs first for any queries you may have about attendance in person or on demand watching.
Frequent questions about BGS events are answered below. This guide gathers all the information about features that participants can use before, during, and after the event.
We invite you to read the FAQs carefully before contacting us. If you are experiencing issues connecting and you cannot find the answer to your query on this page, you can email registrations@bgs.org.uk. Remember, a browser other than Internet Explorer (IE) needs to be used.
We make every effort to reply to your query as soon as possible but there might be delays in the run up to an event due to the large amount of email we receive.
Frequent questions about BGS events are answered below. This guide gathers all the information about features that participants can use before, during, and after the event.
We invite you to read the FAQs carefully before contacting us. If you are experiencing issues connecting and you cannot find the answer to your query on this page, you can email registrations@bgs.org.uk. Remember, a browser other than Internet Explorer (IE) needs to be used.
We make every effort to reply to your query as soon as possible but there might be delays in the run up to an event due to the large amount of email we receive.
How much do I pay?
The registrations varies based on your professional role, place of work and membership status.
There is no price difference if you are attending online or in person. Those in training roles, or with reduced access to study budget from their employer are extended reduced rates.
Members of the BGS are extended a 40% or greater reduction compared to non-members. Join the BGS today to save
The registration costs are listed on each event registration page and displayed before booking. BGS members should check to confirm they are logged into their current membership web account and that they can see the discount has been applied to their registration before booking.
Those employed in acute hospital, intermediate or community healthcare settings by a public or not for profit body are categorised as below. Anyone attending to represent a commercial organisation, such as a pharmaceutical or medical device company will pay the standard registration fee.
All registration fees are inclusive of VAT
Who does this include? |
Senior Doctors – Post CCT or CESR CP roles | Consultants, Professors, Medical Directors or other senior medical grades. Corporate representatives, from pharmaceutical companies for example. This is the default cost to attend. |
Pre CCT or CESR medical roles, Healthcare professionals (Nurses, Physiotherapists, Researchers) |
This covers Registrars, Clinical Fellows, Internal Medicine Trainees, Foundation Year Doctors. |
Retired member/ Students (Undergraduates in Medical School, Nursing or AHP courses) *Retired Members will need to enter a discount code |
This rate covers all undergraduates in a medical degree, as well as those in Nursing and AHP undergraduate degrees. |
Do I need to register for the meeting?
Yes. Please navigate to the event you want to register for and use the 'Register online' button on the right hand side to register for the meeting. You will need to create a BGS website account if you do not already have one, but you do not need to be a BGS member to register for an event.
Attending an event in person
All attendees coming in person to the meeting can also watch the streamed online content for the days they register and pay for. If you can't come in person on a particular day you will find the Stream page information in your joining email.
When attending in person, please consider the following:
- There won't be any pads, pens, or programmes distributed as standard. We ask you bring your own writing material and equipment. We will have some limited stocks on site.
- We suggest that questions are facilitated via the online chat and Q&A tools - this will be communicated in your emails and on the day.
- If you use one, please return your BGS provided masks for collection and recycling at the registration desk or marked points.
- We will provide self-service stations for catering where possible
Family Friendly Facilities
If you're planning on traveling to attend in person a BGS conference with your infant child(ren), we welcome you to do so and will allocate a dedicated space suitable for your needs. All BGS conferences are hybrid by default, so you can watch online - however, we know that attending in person has lots of positive benefits.
If you choose to attend with your young infant, we plan where possible to make a room available for you, and/or a responsible accompanying partner, adult family member or carer separate from the meeting spaces.
There will be toilet facilities and basic refreshments available – please bring toys and consumables as needed. This will not be a managed crèche facility as we are unfortunately unable to provide the infrastructure and support required for such a facility but will be a space that you can use freely.
We’d ask that you contact us via conferences@bgs.org.uk to inform us in advance, to make sure we have sufficient space and to be aware of numbers.
Attending online only
Online participants can expect the same high-quality educational content as in a face-to-face meeting*. Online participants joining live on the day of the meeting will be able to engage with presenters and sponsors through chat and poll functions during the sessions. Recordings of the presentations will be accessible post-event.
Participants will attend via the BGS website, logging in with the same details used to register for the meeting.
*Please note that whilst we always aim to offer a fully accessible online experience, due to the highly hands on and interactive nature of certain workshops, it may not always be possible for online attendees to participate. We will endeavour to highlight this in the Programme and to provide alternative options.
Remember PPE for online attendance!
- Test your connection before the event.
- Update your details on the BGS website
- Connect with people before the event starts. Use the BGS forum to engage with others before and after the meeting.
- Review the programme and browse pre-meeting content.
- A browser other than Internet Explorer (IE) needs to be used. An up-to-date version of Chrome is a good option (Click here to download).
- Close other programmes on your computer or mobile device. We don't recommend using a phone or small tablet as you may miss content on the slides, and functions.
- Plug in an ethernet cable (if available).
- Shut others off the WiFi if you can (including your phone).
- Set up your station - you may be able to cast to a large TV or output over HDMI if you want a larger viewing platform.
- Read and watch the pre-meeting material available on the virtual event page. Visit our posters via the poster platform.
- Interact with presenters: Ask questions using the session chat function and participate into session polls.
- Make the most of your breaks: stretch and look away from the screen, grab a coffee.
- Connect with exhibitors: Please visit our sponsors and thank them for their support.
Recording Attendance Online
When joining online, please remember to record your attendance using the button above the media player. This requires only one click per day, and will change to state "Attendance Recorded". However, if you refresh your page this button will revert to read "Sign in for CPD today". This does not reset the record of your attendance and you can always reclick the button for your peace of mind.
Recording attendance:
During the live conference broadcast dates only you will see a button "Sign in for CPD today". Please use this to record your attendance each day. This will allow us to send a CPD certificate post-event. You can watch on demand and still self-certify, only we won't issue you a certificate. You can find the CPD codes in the RCP diary.
Please use this function even if not claiming CPD when you need a certificate of attendance for your employer.
CPD certificates are not issued for post-event access currently.
Please also note you shouldn't use Internet Explorer – any other browser works (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).
CPD accreditation for Online Event Attendance
Participants watching a live event online via the BGS platform must log their attendance on the day, and each subsequent day, to record attendance. A button is prominently displayed under the media player stating "Sign in for CPD today"
We discourage joining online on phones or small tablets.
If participants join live using a shared work account or viewing as a group they must contact us before the end of the live event to record attendance. This should be by email with their full name, email address and place of work to registrations@bgs.org.uk. Participants must register before the live event starts to claim CPD credits.
We cannot send CPD certificates to participants who haven't registered in advance, or those who watch after the live broadcast.
Participants accessing the archived version of the webinar may record this in their CPD diary using the approval code provided for the live event for up to four weeks after the event date. Further information about CPD can be found here, or here via the Federation of Colleges CPD site
If watching within 4 weeks of the live broadcast you can claim live CPD using the codes available on the RCP CPD diary or emailed to attendees.
After 4 weeks this will be classed by the RCP as distance learning and will be assigned a distance learning code and can be added to the diary as usual distance learning activities would be.
When will I get my CPD
CPD certificates are generated and issued the week after the meeting. They are sent by email. Most meetings take place on Fridays and our staff team need to pack up the event and travel home, so the earliest you would receive them would be the following Monday. We ask for your patience while these are being prepared and sent. If not received a week after the meeting please contact us (having checked your spam) at registrations@bgs.org.uk
You can also access this online via your BGS website account after they have been generated.
- Visit https://www.bgs.org.uk/user/login and login
- Then click My events and certificates
- Navigate to the event attended and click "certificate"
How do I log into the platform?
When registering for an event you will need to login, or create a free BGS website account.
If you are a BGS member your web account will have been created for you during your membership application, but you will also have an account if you are a non-member and have attended a BGS event in the past, joined a SIG or signed up for our communications. This account will allow you to register for the meeting and will be your point of access for watching the live conference or on-demand recordings or the days that you register and pay for.
You can access the event either by:
- Clicking the link in one of the emails sent by registrations@bgs.org.uk If you didn't receive the email, check your spam folder.
- Logging into your BGS website account and navigating to the event page, then clicking on the 'View Stream' button.
Why haven’t I got the registration email? Or details on how to join the meeting?
When you log into your account, you may not have access to the event you want to join.
Did you complete registration successfully?
There are a few reasons that this might happen:
- You have not yet registered for the event. Perhaps your registration is not complete; remember to check that you have received a registration confirmation, and if this is the case, forward it to registrations@bgs.org.uk with a short description of your issue so that we can help you.
- You did not log in with the email used when registering for your event. Make sure you use the same email address when logging into the BGS website. Having multiple accounts is possible.
- The event is not yet accessible to users - however it will be once the invitation emails are sent by the event organiser.
How can I access content after the event?
As long as you are registered for the event you can access the event live, for the days you register and pay for and up to 12 months post-broadcast via the BGS website.
You can register for 12 months post-event as well.
The event registration page is the portal to access the live stream and on-demand videos
- To watch the event post-broadcast, you will need to login to the BGS website.
- If you are registered, you can access the recordings by using the button "View Stream".
- If you aren't registered, you can choose to register and pay and will be able to instantly access the on-demand recordings.
Claiming CPD
The RCP will allow you to claim CPD for up to 12 months after the delivery of a meeting where the archives are accessible.
If you watch you will need to record this in your CPD diary using the event code (the live event code for 4 weeks post broadcast and the distance learning code for the following 11 months).
We won’t send a certificate for watching post-event content.
Watching more than 4 weeks post-broadcast date?
This will be classed by the RCP as distance learning and will be assigned a distance learning code and can be added to the diary as usual distance learning activities would be.
As long as you are registered you can access the event live for the days you register and pay for, and up to 12 months post-broadcast, via the BGS streaming platform.
- The videos are instantly available.
- You can rewatch content for 12 months if you can’t join them all live.
- The RCP will allow you to claim CPD for up to 12 months after the delivery of a meeting where the archives are accessible.
- If you watch you will need to record this in your CPD diary using the event code and hours but we won’t send a certificate for people who only watch post event.
Further information about CPD can be found here, or here via the Federation of Colleges CPD site
I can't view the stream
Our larger events are split across multiple days, and within these there are multiple streams which are broadcast concurrently.
There are a few reasons you may not be able to view the live stream.
If you get an error message when accessing the stream page:
- You are not registered for the event or you have logged in with a different email to the one you registered with. Check your confirmation email to make sure your registration was successful, and to check the email address used to register.
- If you are registered and cannot access the stream page, email registrations@bgs.org.uk providing your name, what kind of device you are using (PC/Mac/mobile/tablet etc), the browser you are using (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, etc) and whether you are joining from home or a workplace.
If you are in the stream page but cannot view the stream you wish to watch:
- Check the time and date the stream is due to be broadcast. You cannot watch a stream before it has been broadcast.
- Make sure you have clicked 'Switch to this stream' button when swapping between streams. This is located beneath the video segment and will swap the video broadcast to the stream you are currently previewing. Click here for detailed instructions.
- You may need to try a different browser or install updates on your current browser. We advise against using Internet Explorer.
- You may need to refresh the page to capture any updates.
There is a problem with the stream
Bouncing video stream
The media player may bounce while trying to find the optimal resolution for your device. You can hover your mouse cursor over the 'full screen' icon (at bottom right of the video screen, shaped like a cross) or wait and it should determine the best size after 10 seconds.
Video has an echo
If there is an echo on your video stream, please try these fixes in order:
- Make sure you are not streaming the video from two separate locations. Close any additional browser windows or tabs.
- Log out of the BGS website and log back into the stream.
- Clear your browser history.
- Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of your browser and all updates are installed.
- Do a hard refresh on your browser to clear the cache:
Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for Windows: Press Ctrl + F5 (If that doesn’t work, try Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R).
Chrome or Firefox for Mac: Press Shift + Command + R.
Safari for Mac: Press Command + Option + E to empty the cache, then hold down Shift and click Reload in the toolbar.
- Safari for iPhone and iPad: Go into device settings to erase your browser’s cache.
No video stream
We will notify participants via the chat function if there is a problem with the broadcast (for example if we are waiting for a speaker or there is a technical delay). Just like at an in-person event, this should be resolved quickly, and we thank you for your patience.
How can I adjust my registration?
Please email registrations@bgs.org.uk to amend your registration or call 0207 608 1369. You can not cancel, or transfer your registration without contacting us. You can update your email address via 'Manage my account.'
All in person attendees can access the content online for the days for which they have registered and paid.
Most BGS events are available to watch on demand at a later date and still accrue external CPD. Delegates can still claim live CPD points if they watch the event within four weeks of the webinar, and distance learning CPD if in the next 11 months. Please consider this before requesting a full cancellation.
If you do need to cancel, the following applies
- Cancellation within 7 working days of booking, and more than 10 working days before the conference - full refund
- Cancellation after 7 working days of booking, and more than 10 working days before the conference - 50% refund
- Cancellation within 10 working days before the conference - no refund
Feeling unwell
If you are displaying any COVID or flu like symptoms, which may be transmissible, prior to arriving at an event, we that you consider remaining at home and watch the conference online.
If you start to feel unwell while visiting, please let us know at the registration desk.
Moving the event online only
If the BGS are required to move the event online only, cancelling the in person element of the meeting we will offer the delegates the opportunity to continue online or get a full refund for their meeting cost.
Will the costs of my prearranged travel and accommodation still be reimbursed?
Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for travel and accommodation costs you may have already incurred; we regret that these costs are outside of our control. Please check with your travel company and accommodation provider if refunds are possible.
Can my organisation pay? (Proxy registration)
Yes, your organization can register attendees and pay the registration fee by a card they hold on your behalf (A Proxy registration)
We have restored the PO number field so that Trusts can input the PO number that had been internally assigned for the receipt.
There isn’t an option for invoice payment for our virtual and hybrid conferences as
- the process of reconciling incoming payments is an intensive burden on our small staff team, especially when late payments or batches of payments grouped together and paid without invoice numbers
- many invoice payments went unpaid through no fault of the delegate,
- and our Finance committee have recommended we stop accepting payment by invoice and cheque for these reasons.
The steps for a proxy registration are outlined below
- Go to https://www.bgs.org.uk/user/login
- Create a non BGS member account (if the person making the registration is not a member or do not have an account) or login to your existing web account
- Once logged into your account, go to https://www.bgs.org.uk/events and choose the event you want to register one or more delegates.
- Click on register online button
- On the registration page, click on the title in green (Not (name) or want to register a different person?)
- Please ensure you complete all the required fields. You will be presented with a ticket type based on the profession of the attendees. If you feel this is wrong please contact us registrations@bgs.org.uk
- Please indicate if you are paying by card or request an invoice
- If paying by card please complete the required fields, including "County"
- Accept the terms and conditions and click continue
- Review the final page and click confirm to complete registration. Repeat for additional delegates
You will be prompted to correct any errors
I need a Visa
BGS do not send visa invitation letters for delegates.
The standard visitor visa for the UK for the purpose of attending a conference does not require an invitation letter https://www.gov.uk/standard-visitor/visit-on-business
For the standard Visa, documents include your return flights, your registration for the conference and evidence of the attendees’ relevance for attending the event – so details they are doctors or healthcare professionals.
You can complete registration for the event via our website www.bgs.org.uk/events
There is also flexible attendance and an option to attend online if needed.