
2020 Autumn Meeting

The BGS Autumn meeting will cover the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. Our ageing population is stimulating extensive NHS service redesign to deal with the challenge of caring for larger numbers of older people both in and out of hospitals. This conference will cover core areas of interest to all specialists responsible for the health care of older people.

Post Event Access

If you couldn't join live you can watch the sessions on demand for up to 12 months after the live broadcast. You will need to be registered for the meeting. Once registered, or if returning please follow the steps below

  • Login to the Swapcard platform.  If not received already logged in can you visit login.swapcard.com 
  • Follow the steps to login  
    • If forgotten your password use the forgot password link. When prompted, write the email address you provided when registering for the event. On the password page, click 'Send me a magic link'. You will be emailed a login link from the address hello@swapcard.com. Check your spam folder if you don’t appear to receive the link.  
    • Use the button “Programme” to access recording  
    • See this video on how to navigate to see the recordings https://vimeo.com/460635161/6dfbcde2f6 
    • Once in Swapcard, click on programme and then into the session you want to watch.
    • When in the session page the video will start playing automatically 
  • The RCP will allow you to claim CPD for up to 12 months after the delivery of a meeting, where the archives are accessible as they are in the platform, as dinstance learning.
  • If you watch you will need to record this in your CPD diary using the event code and hours but we won’t send a certificate for people who only watch post-event. 
Further information about CPD


Distance Learning
For the 2020/21 CPD year there will be no limit to the number of external credits that can be claimed for distance learning. In addition to the maximum of 10 approved distance learning credits you may add under the ‘Add Approved Entry’ tab, you may also add unlisted distance learning under the ‘Add Self-Certified Entry’ tab under the ‘Distance Learning’ sub-section. You will need to add them as an ‘External Self-Certified Distance Learning, Clinical or Non-Clinical’. Reading articles in online journals and e-libraries that are not approved should still be recorded as personal selfcertified distance learning. Online mandatory training required by your employer should still be recorded as internal CPD.


The virtual abstracts book containing all accepted abstracts is available here
The virtual book of posters is here 

To adapt to the current world, BGS meetings to the end of 2020 will be delivered virtually.

Participants can expect the same high-quality educational content as in a face-to-face meeting, and there will be opportunities for virtual delegates to network before, during and after each meeting. Participants joining live will be able to engage with presenters and sponsors through interactive activities during the session, as well as through 1 to 1 and group calls and chats. Recordings of the presentations will be accessible post-event.

Participants will attend via Swapcard who provides simple access via web browser, tablet or phone. A browser other than Internet Explorer (IE) needs to be used. Found out how to participate in our vitual conferences and navigate the online platform.

Registration fees are being reduced by 50%, and travel and accommodation costs will not be incurred. Register early to take advantage of the early-bird discount.

Who should register:

The meeting will be of benefit to all healthcare professionals involved in geriatric medicine and healthcare of older people

  • Consultants & specialist doctors in geriatric medicine
  • SAS Grade Doctors – Specialist and Associate Specialists
  • Researchers into Ageing and Age Related Conditions 
  • Doctors training in related specialties
  • GPs with an interest in the care of Older People and GP trainees
  • Nurses and allied health profession
  • Advanced and Specialist practitioners
  •  Consultant Practitioners/Consultant Nurses
  • Internal Medicine Trainees  (especially those considering a career in geriatric medicine)
  • Physician Associates
  • Medical, Nursing, Allied Health professional students

Why participate:

  •     Understand more on the key areas & challenges faced in geriatric medicine  
  •     Hear focused presentations on core areas of the geriatric medicine
  •     Present the latest scientific research to British Geriatrics Society members and elected officers
  •     Network & socialise with other healthcare professionals over 3 days




Cost to attend

  BGS Member
Full meeting (inc. VAT)
BGS Member
Day Fee (inc. VAT)
Full meeting (inc. VAT)
Day Fee (inc. VAT)
A Senior Doctors – Post CCT or CESR CP Professions and Corporate Representatives £190


£266 £98

B Pre CCT or CESR CP Professions,

£97.50 £40 £136.50 £56
C Healthcare professionals (Nurses, Physiotherapists, Researchers) £97.50 £40 £136.50 £56
D Retired member/ Student/ Foundation Year £70 £30 £98 £42

*An early bird discount of 10% is available until 27 September 2020 - EXTENDED


BGS Autumn 2020 goes virtual

Having difficulty viewing the stream? Try adjusting your browser settings.

As a fallback the stream can be viewed in a separate tab, however CPD tracking will not work.