SP - Health Service Research

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Poster ID
Authors' names
C Manietta1,2; D Purwins1,2; A Reinhard1; C Pinkert1,2; L Fink2,4; M Feige5; C Knecht2,3 and M Roes1,2
Author's provenances
1 Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Witten; 2 Witten/Herdecke University, School of NursingScience; 3 FH Münster University of Applied Sciences; 4 University and Rehabilitation Clinics Ulm; 5 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
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Introduction: Dementia-friendly hospitals (DFH) are mentioned as one of several key initiatives in national dementia strategies. In our previous integrative review, we identified 17 descriptions of DFHs and analysed six characteristics of DFH: continuity, person-centredness, consideration of phenomena within dementia, environment, valuing relatives and knowledge and expertise within the hospital (Manietta et al., BMC Geriatrics, 2022, 22, 468, 1-16). We also learned that the term DFH is based more on healthcare practice than research. To address this research gap, one step of our DEMfriendlyHospital study is to examine the perspectives of professional dementia experts working in hospitals in Germany.

Method: We used a qualitative design and conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with professional dementia experts from various healthcare professions (12 nurses, two physicians, and one physiotherapist). Data were collected between November 2021 and March 2022. Using an inductive content analysis, we furthermore analysed the interviews in a participatory way involving a group of research associates and professional dementia experts.

Results: From the professional dementia experts’ perspectives, a dementia-friendly hospital needs to focus on the people with dementia, their relatives and also on the staff who care for them. A DFH is characterised by specific hospital processes, structures and environment which consider the needs of people with dementia, dementia-specific knowledge and the skills of hospital staff, their awareness and attitude towards people with dementia. A DFH needs the social inclusion of patients with dementia and their perception as a person as well as the involvement of relatives, who are an important support for the patients and their care.

Conclusion: There are links between our results from interviews with professional dementia experts and our integrative review. At the same time, the perspectives of patients with dementia and their relatives are underrepresented. To fill this gap, our next step is to interview people with dementia who are hospitalised and their relatives, aiming to enhance the description of a DFH and its characteristics.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
E Adam1,4; F Meiland1; N Frielink2; E Meinders3; R Smits3; P Embregts2; H Smaling1,4
Author's provenances
1. Department of Public Health and Primary Care; Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands; 2. Tranzo; Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Tilburg University, The Netherlands; Mentech Innovation b.v. Eindhoven, The Netherlands; Unive
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Stress and communication difficulties, both prone in people with dementia, are risk factors for challenging behaviour. Challenging behaviour negatively impacts the quality of life of people with dementia and their caregivers. Technology can help caregivers detect stress in people with dementia. However, implementation of these technologies is not always successful. The aim of this study is to explore the implementation opportunities for a garment-integrated sensor system that enables caregivers to identify early signs of stress in people with dementia.

A qualitative design with online focus groups (n=9) and interviews (n=21) with persons living with dementia (n=4), family (n=10) and professional caregivers (n=9) was used to collect stakeholders’ perceptions towards the sensor system and requirements for its implementation into long-term care. Participants took part in three focus groups or interviews, of which the last round focused on implementation. Qualitative data were analysed using inductive conventional content analysis.

Participants were positive about the idea of a garment-integrated sensor system and could see several groups in both intramural and extramural healthcare settings benefit from the system. Besides early stress detection, participants also saw an added value of the system for the identification of triggers for challenging behaviour or for diagnostic purposes. According to participants, implementing the system in long-term care requires clear guidelines and agreements for its use, a trial period and educating caregivers. The sensor system needs to meet several requirements (e.g. customizability, ease of use) to increase user acceptance and thereby implementation success.

Participants perceive the idea of a garment-integrated sensor system for people with dementia in long-term care as positive. To increase implementation success, it is important to create an easy-to-use, tailor-made system, educate stakeholders, and establish clear guidelines for its use. The next step is to validate and implement the system in long-term care.

Poster ID
Authors' names
J Pugmire1; M Wilkes1; A Kramer1; B Zaniello2; N Zahradka2
Author's provenances
1. Current Health, a Best Buy Company, Edinburgh, UK; 2. Current Health, a Best Buy Company, Boston, USA



NHS England is committed to the expansion of virtual wards, necessitating patient engagement with home care technology. Literature suggests there is a technology adoption lag among older populations. We investigated if this lag was evident in geriatric virtual ward patients.


Data from three NHS trusts using a virtual care  platform (March 2021-August 2023) were aggregated to assess differences in perceived ease of use, technology adoption style, and measures of adherence. All patients received the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire Ease of Use (EOU) subsection (higher scores indicate higher EOU). Patients completed surveys via tablet, wore monitoring devices, and took blood pressure readings. We dichotomized age (<75 vs. 75+) and used Fisher’s exact and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests.


Of 857 patients, 36.9% were geriatric (mean age 81.5 years). The younger group (mean age 59.1 years) had 541 patients. Gender was evenly split between age groups (p=0.62). Median EOU scores were 5.5 (geriatric) and 6.2 (younger) (p<0.001). Geriatric patients were more likely to avoid or delay technology adoption (82% vs. 56% in younger patients, p<0.001). Geriatric patients had higher adherence to the wearable device (median 95.3%) compared to younger patients (93.3%, p<0.001). Blood pressure (median 81.6%) and survey adherence (median 83.3%) did not significantly differ between groups (p=0.076, p=0.0501).


Despite perceptions and literature suggesting older patients are less comfortable with technology, our findings demonstrate high engagement in virtual ward technology. While differences exist in technology adoption and EOU scores, geriatric patients exhibit equal or higher adherence to remote monitoring tasks. These results challenge stereotypes and underscore the importance of incorporating technology in geriatric care.


Poster ID
Authors' names
M Westby1,2; S Ijaz1,2; J Savović1,2; H McLeod1,2; S Dawson1,2; Welsh2,3; H Le Roux4,5; N Walsh1,6; N Bradley7.
Author's provenances
1. The National Institute for Health and Care Research, Applied Research Collaboration West (NIHR ARC West), University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK; 2. Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol; 3. RICE – The Research Institute
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Increasing prevalence of people living with frailty is a key challenge to healthcare providers. One solution may be virtual wards (VWs). Our research sought to: examine different frailty VW models; and determine how, why and under what circumstances VWs may work effectively. During our early research, NHS England (NHSE) started roll-out of short-term VWs intended to treat acute patients with frailty crises at home instead of hospital. We expected our work to inform NHSE policy, especially how to ‘do’ VWs better.


We conducted a rapid realist review of frailty VWs, searching published and grey literature for evidence on multidisciplinary VWs based in the UK, using a literature-based definition of VWs. Information on how and why VWs might ‘work’ was extracted and synthesised iteratively into context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs). Throughout we engaged closely with clinicians and patient/public contributors. The iterative nature of the realist review led to emerging understanding.


From 28 documents, we identified two VW models: longer-term, proactive care wards admitting patients at high risk of a frailty crisis; and short-term reactive care wards for people experiencing a frailty crisis. Using evidence from both models, we generated 12 CMOCs, under three themes. First, building blocks for effective VW operation (e.g. common standards agreements, information sharing, a multidisciplinary team planning patient care remotely). Second, how the VW delivers the frailty pathway (e.g. patient selection, assessment, proactive care). Third, Patient/Caregiver empowerment. Mechanisms included motivating professionals (e.g. a ‘team-of-teams’); buy-in; building relationships: professionals, patients and caregivers. VWs should be set within frailty management guidance, and a whole-system approach to care is needed. For sustainability of VWs, proactive care for people at high risk of a frailty crisis should be provided.


This review has implications for optimal implementation and sustainability of frailty VWs, through proactive care and a whole system approach.


Poster ID
Authors' names
L Coleman 1; E Mensah 2; R Mukhopadhyay 2; K Ali 2,3.
Author's provenances
1. Brighton and Hove Health Watch 2. University Hospitals Sussex 3. Brighton and Sussex Medical School.



People from ethnic minorities are 1.5 times less likely to use digital technology. Within Brighton and Hove, 2021 Census reports that 26.1% described themselves as non-White-British categorised as other White (11.5%), Mixed Race (4.8%), Asian (3.7%), Black (2.0%), Chinese (1.1%), Arab (1.1%), and Other (2.0%). The aim of the project was to understand the lived experience of older ethnic minority adults in Brighton and Hove with digital technology, and how this experience affects their potential engagement with research.


Older people from ethnic minorities were identified through Brighton and Hove Health Watch, Bridging Change, Sussex Interpreting Services, and Black and Minority Ethnic Partnership. Using a mixed-methods approach, focus group and one-to-one meetings were held with 22 people, exploring their digital literacy, using a Likert scale, and preferences for research engagement using digital means. Meetings were transcribed and thematic analysis was undertaken.


The group average age was 71.6 years. Six identified as male, 16 as female, and confidence with digital technology averaged 3/5 (5 representing high confidence). Variation of digital skills was observed, with older age and language barriers limiting digital access. Digital technology was used for social, transactional and health purposes (booking GP appointments, receiving test results, and GP consultations). Trust and confidence in the research team enhanced the group’s likelihood to engage digitally. Explaining the research in their own language would be an incentive. Younger family members can help explain digital elements. Offering choice of digital alongside traditional methods was important. There was a preference for initial research conversations to be in person. Willingness to engage is higher when the research topic is common in their community or they are personally affected.


Older people from ethnic minorities in Brighton and Hove are willing to engage in research using digital means if tailored to their social circumstances.

Poster ID
Authors' names
P Jarrett(1,2); L MacNeill(3); A Luke(3); K Faig(2); S Doucet(1,3)
Author's provenances
(1)Dalhousie University, Canada; (2)Horizon Health Network, New Brunswick, Canada; (3)University of New Brunswick, Canada;
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Receiving a dementia diagnosis can be overwhelming for persons living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers. Accessing information and home supports can be challenging.  Having access to a Patient Navigation (PN) program is one way that may assist PLWD and their carers.


This study used a mixed methods design and involved the implementation of a Patient Navigation (PN) program in 6 primary care settings in New Brunswick, Canada, between July 2022-July 2023. PLWD/carers living in their own homes were eligible to enroll.


There were 150 PLWD with a mean age of 76.77 (SD = 9.2) years and 51.8% were female. The majority (60.7%) were living in rural communities. Most (53.7%) had been diagnosed within the past 2 years with 50.7% having seen a specialist, most commonly a geriatrician.  Almost all (88.7%) had a primary care provider; however, only 25.2% were connected to the social care system, and 19.8% were connected to the home care system.  The most common reasons for enrolling were gaining access to social programs and home supports and seeking dementia specific information.  The average number of goals per PLWD/carer was 3.77 (SD=1.7). The average time in the program was 116.79 days (SD= 91.08) and 76.6% achieved their goals.  The majority (84.0%) were somewhat to very satisfied with the PN program. Carers stated that with increased knowledge, access, and support there was a decrease in social isolation as well as improved confidence, which allowed PLWD to remain in the community longer.


Most PLWD/carers were connected to the health system, but the minority were connected to social and home care programs. Through connection to the PN program, carers increased their confidence; improved their knowledge; and increased their access to home supports and other care programs, allowing PLWD to remain in the community longer.


Poster ID
Authors' names
L MacNeill(1); S Doucet(1,2); A Luke(1); K Faig(3); P Jarrett(2,3)
Author's provenances
(1)University of New Brunswick, Canada; (2)Dalhousie University, Canada; (3)Horizon Health Network, New Brunswick, Canada
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Navigating dementia care is challenging, but patient navigation (PN) offers valuable support for this population. The "Navigating Dementia NB / Naviguer la démence NB" program piloted a PN program in New Brunswick, Canada, targeting people living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers. The program aimed to assist participants in navigating health and social care systems, matching their needs with available services.


Navigating Dementia NB was co-developed by researchers, patient partners, and clinicians. This pilot program embedded six PNs in primary care clinics/centers across the province between July 2022 and July 2023.  Using a mixed methods approach, participant surveys and interviews were used to explore program benefits and recommendations for improvement. Focus groups were used to explore facilitators and barriers to program development and implementation.


There were 150 participants (PLWD and carer dyads) enrolled in the PN program who provided informed consent. Interviews were conducted with 36 PLWD and their carers. Focus groups were conducted with nine members of the research team and five patient navigators.  Program benefits included: emotional support from navigators, provision of relevant information, and facilitating connections to appropriate services. Recommendations for improvement included: the need for PLWD and their carers to have access earlier in the patient journey and the need to reassess provincial policies related to home care support. Facilitators for implementing a PN program included: providing appropriate staff training and leveraging established connections within the health and social systems.  Barriers included a compressed timeline and existing systemic issues to service access.


The findings suggest that embedding PN for PLWD in community based primary care can be done.  The program was beneficial for PWLD and their carers. Future plans involve partnering with government to support the implementation and evaluation of a province-wide scale-up of the PN program for this population.


Poster ID
Authors' names
Hilde Søreide and Ole T. Kleiven
Author's provenances
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
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The introduction of an additional meal in nursing homes may be associated with a positive impact on the BMI of residents with dementia.



Since 2010, many nursing homes in Norway have introduced an extra meal daily, with a hot lunch, and pushing dinner to later in the day. This initiative aims to reduce the long time interval between breakfast and supper.


This study examines how an extra meal affects the residents' body mass index (BMI) at nursing homes in Norway. Research questions include how an extra meal affects BMI among residents in the dementia unit.


We used a cross-sectional design to analyze data from residents over 65 years old in dementia care units. Both parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used to evaluate changes in BMI.


Our study identified a modest increase in BMI among residents in the dementia care unit after introducing an additional meal. The results imply that incorporating an extra meal to meet residents' needs could support the maintenance of a healthy BMI.


Our study reveals that the introduction of an extra meal resulted in a slight increase in BMI among the residents with dementia, which does not correspond with previous studies indicating malnutrition among these residents. The dementia disease reduces functional abilities, and challenges related to mealtime behavior, restlessness, and depression can lead to weight loss. The fact that our results show a slight increase in BMI at the dementia units may be related to these residents often being troubled with restlessness and not finding the peace to consume a full meal. By introducing an extra meal, the total food intake increases since residents still eat a little at each meal, and focusing more on accommodating each resident might have influenced the increase in BMI values.


The study indicates that the introduction of an extra meal has a positive effect on the BMI value of residents with dementia in nursing homes.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
A Mahmoud1 ; S Raghuraman1 ; E Richards2 ; L Allan1 ; R Anderson1 ; S M Trimmer 1 on behalf of the RECOVERED Study team
Author's provenances
1. University of Exeter; 2. Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
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Delirium is associated with psychological and cognitive complications that have impacts beyond the patients. Although family members and carers can play a significant role in the management and recognition of delirium, there is limited research on the experience of family caregivers in the context of delirium. This study aims to explore the needs and experiences of family caregivers for a person with delirium and offer suggestions to support them.


A qualitative interview study with family caregivers of persons with delirium. Data were analysed using an abductive analysis approach.


Fourteen family caregivers were interviewed. Carers explained their feeling of responsibility to support their loved ones with delirium, however, they perceived their caregiving role negatively because of increasing demands and the lack of sufficient support. Carers attributed their emotional exhaustion and distress to the onset of delirium, change in the personality of the person with delirium, confusion and progression of delirium. Additionally, carers indicated the negative impact of caregiving on the quality of the relationship between them and person with delirium. This highlights the need to enhance the support provided to carers to mitigate the emotional and relationship impact of caregiving on the carer. We identified needs of carers for people with delirium including: education on delirium, reassurance, information on care pathways and support from formal carers to take breaks.


Viable solutions to assist family caregivers include more support for the carer in formulating care plans for people with delirium, development of support groups for family caregivers of people with delirium, and a case worker. These solutions may help to decrease re-hospitalisation and admission to care homes. Future research should focus on approaches to better support carers of people with delirium, and to shift the care plan from person-centred into person and family-centred approach.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
T Bjordal1; I Hollekve; AM Sandvoll
Author's provenances
Abstract Provenance - 1. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences / Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, campus FØRDE; 2. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences /Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, campus Sogndal; 3. Faculty of Health a
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  • Collaboration between a nursing home and an ambulatory geriatric-psychiatric team to patients with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)


Healthcare professionals in nursing homes collaborate with specialized healthcare services to manage and support patients with BPSD. Geriatric- psychiatric ambulatory teams from the specialist health service provide professional assistance to healthcare professionals and family members for patients with geriatric psychiatric disorders and BPSD. This outreach- service is not very developed and could be further expanded. The study aimed to elucidate the collaboration between municipal health services and ambulatory geriatric-psychiatric teams within the specialist healthcare service.


In this qualitative study we conducted individual interviews with six healthcare professionals representing four different nursing homes. The analysis is inspired by systematic text condensation. The research project has been submitted to the Norwegian Centre for Research Data.


The informants expressed the importance of enhanced interaction with the specialist healthcare service in general and to patients with BPSD in spesific. When the informants receiving support from the team, the interaction is deemed more valuable and constructive. They find a shared meeting point with opportunity for sharing knowledge and engaging in dialogue.


The study indicates that health professionals see the importance of improved collaboration with specialized health services for patients with BPDS. When ambulatory teams engage actively, they experience collaboration characterized by closeness and shared understanding. The ambulatory-geriatric psychiatric team may become more well-known and the method of requesting professional help from the team can be made more transparent and clearer. It is also important that healthcare personnel proactively request professional assistance for patients with BPSD. With the increasing prevalence of patients with dementia, there is a need for further research to address the challenges in this area. Ambulatory geriatric-psychiatry teams are a service that should be explored further.


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