Introduction of the medical examiner (ME) service has changed the process in which the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) is completed across South Wales. In a tertiary hospital we endeavoured to improve team ownership of medical cause of death decisions, senior involvement, and communication of this to the medical examiner service, through development of a new process and communication form.
Two PDSA cycles have been completed. With stakeholder involvement we produced a process map and developed a Proposed Cause of Death form. In 2022 medical teams on 2 wards (A&B) trialled a new process - to discuss as near as possible after death the likely cause of death and submit a Proposed Cause of Death form. We collected data on number of deaths, number of forms completed and time between death and MCCD completion. In 2023 a task and finish group developed an electronic form and piloted on a further three selected medical wards (C,D&E).
Cycle 1: Mar-Aug 2022. Proportion of deaths with form completed: Ward A 0%(0/25), Ward B 71%(27/38). Time from death to MCCD completion was not increased by form implementation (3.1 days after vs 4.7 days before). Cycle 2: Aug 2023–Jan 2024. Proportion of deaths with form completed: Ward C 60.9%(14/23), Ward D 0%(0/22), Ward E 5.3%(1/19). Time from death to MCCD completion increased by only 0.6days compared to 3 control wards (5.7days vs 5.1days).
The process and form were successfully adopted on 2/5 wards. Facilitators of adoption were ward level consultant engagement and prompting of the medical team by the bereavement team. Barriers to adoption were a perception of extra work and being unable to perceive usefulness of the process. Ongoing work aims to improve team motivation through education and recruitment of ward 'champions', and rollout to additional wards.
Good methodology to improve…
Good methodology to improve communication and clarity regarding MCCD.