Understanding human factors involved in patient care is a focus of the Geriatric Medicine Training curriculum including the leadership of and communication within an interprofessional team. Geriatric Medicine Specialty Trainees (ST4+) need advanced communication skills and confidence in managing complex situations. Simulation-enhanced Interprofessional Education (Sim-IPE) can be used to provide insight into other disciplines roles. We hypothesised that the implementation of a Sim-IPE programme dedicated to communication skills could improve confidence.
We organised a one-day Sim-IPE programme for our Geriatric Medicine ST4+. Faculty consisted of doctors, advanced nurse practitioner, social worker, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and speech and language therapist. Communication scenarios, with faculty as simulated participants, were undertaken including establishing a ceiling of treatment, management of delirium, breaking bad news, ethical feeding dilemmas, complex discharge planning and capacity assessment. Debrief discussions followed each scenario. Mixed-method evaluation was used with questionnaires collected from learners’ pre and post session in a 10-point Likert scale to compare confidence levels. Qualitative feedback was collected from learners and faculty.
Ten Geriatric Medicine ST4+ attended plus nine faculty including two facilitators. Positive feedback was received from learners and faculty. There was improvement in confidence across all six scenarios (one being “not at all confident” and ten “extremely confident”). Pre-session average confidence was 7.2, post-session 8.7. All trainees would recommend the programme to a colleague. Common learning themes included gaining feedback from debrief discussions and shared learning from our allied-health professionals. Learners and faculty commented on the enjoyment, usefulness and value of learning within a safe team environment.
Sim-IPE can improve confidence in complex communication scenarios and human factor skills. Feedback highlighted that this programme would be useful for all General Internal Medicine Specialty Trainees.
Great concept. I completed…
Great concept. I completed some inter disciplinary education when I was training (Registered Nurse) and found it very helpful. I belive it strengthens the care we deliver to the person, particularly the older person.
Great concept. I completed…
Great concept. I completed some inter disciplinary education when I was training (Registered Nurse) and found it very helpful. I belive it strengthens the care we deliver to the person, particularly the older person.