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Find out how to contribute to AGENDA, including information on writing an article, upcoming themes, deadlines and advertising opportunities.

AGENDA is the membership magazine of the BGS (formerly known as the BGS Newsletter) which was relaunched in November 2021. Each issue is themed on a different topic relevant to the healthcare of older people and those who deliver it. 

We welcome submissions from BGS members and their colleagues on topics relevant to the healthcare of older people. Even if you've never written an article before or don't think you are 'good' writer, we'd still love to hear from you if you have a story you'd like to tell, a reflection you'd like to share, a lesson you'd like to pass on, or an experience that others might find entertaining.

Writing for AGENDA, needn't be a daunting task. This information should help guide you through the process, and the Publications Editor, Amy Brewerton, is always happy to listen to your ideas and help you craft them into something for the magazine.

Who am I writing for?

Our members are mainly geriatricians and other doctors specialising in working with older people, however we also have a growing number of nurses, AHPs and ACPs who are choosing to become members and therefore receive the newsletter. These are mainly UK-based (spread across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) but around 10% are based overseas, so bear this in mind when writing.

What are the style requirements?

A few general pointers for your writing:

  • The writing style should be fairly informal and conversational. Imagine you are writing for a colleague.
  • Don't feel constrained by conventional article formats! 'Top Tips,' 'Myths and Facts,' or 'Dos and Don'ts,' 'How To' are some possible suggestions for variations. However traditional articles are very welcome too.
  • References are not necessary, but feel free to include them if they would help readers further navigate the topic. Please use the Vancouver referencing style (numbered in the text and listed in numerical order at the end) and try and limit to around 25 if possible.
  • If the article is clinical in nature, try and make it practical and helpful. Think about what clinicians might take away and do differently as a result of reading it.
  • If the article is a report or case study, think about the aspects which are most useful, interesting or surprising, and try and share any lessons you have learnt and how you might put these into practice.
  • If the article is an editorial, profile or opinion piece, feel free to share your own thoughts and perspectives but try and keep in mind the question "what will readers get out of this?"
  • A box of information (such as sources of further reading, interesting facts/statistics, short case study examples, etc) can also be a good addition to an article.
  • Images, illustrations, tables, or figures are welcomed and encouraged. If photos show identifiable people, please ensure you have the relevant consent to use them for publication. Images must be at least 300dpi in resolution. Try and limit the use of images/figures/tables etc to one per 250 words of text.
  • Likewise, if you are directly re-using copyrighted material, please obtain the relevant permissions before submitting it as part of your article.
  • If your article is coming up much longer than anticipated, consider breaking it up into a mini-series.

What else should I include?

  • A suggested title for your article.
  • If possible, a short 1-2 sentence introduction.
  • Some sub-headings dividing the text where appropriate.
  • The names and job titles/positions/workplaces of all authors to be included in the byline.
  • Postal addresses for any authors who are not BGS members but wish to receive a copy of the printed issue.

What if I can no longer meet the deadline?

We understand that life sometimes gets in the way and that our authors have demanding day jobs that take priority. If you feel you can no longer commit to submitting your agreed article, please let the Publications Editor know as early as possible. It may be feasible to extend the deadline, defer to a later edition or arrange for someone else to take over the writing. The earlier you are able to let us know, the fewer problems it causes. We will always try and be flexible and accomodating to authors who are upfront.

What happens after I submit?

Once your article has been submitted it will be checked by the Publications Editor for suitability and edited for spelling, punctuation, grammar and clarity. If there are any queries at this stage, we will let you know. We do not ordinarily supply proofs unless there have been any significant changes to the text or there is something that needs to be checked again by the author. However if you have a strong desire to see a proof, let the Publications Editor know and this can be arranged. Please note that there may be a very short deadline to check your proof so please ensure you are available to do so as we are not able to delay publication.

I have another idea for an article!

Fantastic - let the Publications Editor know what your idea is and we can work together to come up with a suitable brief and deadline. Likewise, if you think your article would work better as a series of articles, get in touch and we can agree a timetable for these.

Contact and submission information

Please email the BGS Publications Editor, Amy Brewerton, at editor@bgs.org.uk with any queries or issues. The completed article should also be sent to this address. Happy writing!

Each issue of AGENDA follows a broad theme which guides the direction of the content, however articles are not constrained to this theme. The current proposed themes and deadlines can be found below, but these are subject to change.

Issue number

Cover month






27 March 2025


June/July 2025

End of life care

28 April 2025


August/September 2025


28 July 2025


November/December 2025

Leadership and development

22 September 2025


January/February 2026

Movement disorders

24 November 2025


March/April 2026

Equality and diversity

12 January 2026


If you haven't received a printed issue of the magazine, first check your membership hasn't lapsed and that your postal address is correct and up-to-date. You can do this by logging in to your BGS account and clicking the 'My Account' button in the top right hand corner. If your details are correct, and you have been a member for 10 weeks or more, please email membership@bgs.org.uk and we can investigate.

There are opportunities to place an advertisement in AGENDA. Our current rates for a full-colour advertisement are below:

  •  Full page A4 advertisement - from £1,500 (+VAT)
  • Half page A4 advertisement - from £750 (+VAT)
  • Quarter page A4 advertisement - from £375 (+VAT)

If you would like to explore other routes for advertising, for example combining an advert in AGENDA with advertisements on our website, email bulletins, or sponsorship of our events, please email g.collingridge@bgs.org.uk