Brushing Up On Oral Health: Improving Oral Health Practices in Geriatric Inpatients

Poster ID
Authors' names
R Fernandes1; C Ward1; S Hope1
Author's provenances
Department of Healthcare for Older People, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Abstract category
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Introduction: Poor oral health is linked to multiple health conditions, for example pneumonia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Older people are particularly vulnerable to developing poor oral health due to comorbidities, medications used, and access to dental services, an effect magnified during hospital admissions. The aim of this project is to improve oral health and care received by inpatients on Healthcare for Older People (HfOP) wards.

Methods: A baseline audit of patient-response surveys on oral health access and behaviours, and care during hospital admissions was performed. HfOP inpatients aged >75 with capacity to consent were included. Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles informed interventions, focusing on education of multidisciplinary staff. First round interventions included presenting/discussing initial audit findings at a regional HfOP meeting, and working with Oral Health Practitioners to do ward-based micro-teaching and develop/distribute posters raising awareness. Second round interventions included a more in-depth certified educational session available to all HfOP staff on oral health care and promotion, and posters on how to document oral health aspects on the electronic patient record.

Results: 82% (82/100) patients reported being registered with a dentist, 50% attending a dentist in the last 12 months. Initially, only 17% (17/100) reported ward staff taking measures to ensure/help support their oral health, rising to 46% (46/50) in the second audit.

Conclusions: Though patient surveys may under-represent oral health access/issues by excluding people unable to consent, and may under-represent staff support offered/provided by recall bias, our audit did highlight gaps in staff awareness/practice. Our interventions were designed to benefit all inpatients, via opportunistic ward-based education through the audit process and formal educational sessions. Limitations included logistics of ensuring access to all staff groups. Our goal is to formalise oral health training in core MDT teaching to generate systemic lasting improvement.

Other information: Registered with local trust audit programme.


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Thank you for highlighting an important problem. It is good to see that staff training works. Repeated training is likely needed. Denture care too. How about training families?