Medicines Optimisation In An Acute Frailty Unit (AFU) - A Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Poster ID
Authors' names
J Magee; J Grier; A McLoughlin; S Turkington; H Sedek; M Betts
Author's provenances
Acute Frailty Unit, Care of the Elderly Department, Antrim Area Hospital



AFU aims to provide Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment to frail, older service users.  A key component is Medication Review.

Patients living with frailty are more susceptible to medication side-effects and are often on Falls Risk Increasing Drugs (FRIDs1) and medications with Anticholinergic Burden (ACB2) effects, which can cause falls/confusion/delirium/hallucinations. Aiming to reduce inappropriate polypharmacy, ACB and FRIDs scores, and optimise bone health is therefore essential.

Data highlighted only 17% of patients received Medication Review by a Pharmacist, which needed addressed without additional resources.


Medication Review usually involves a Pharmacist working alone and can be a lengthy process. We suggested a team approach with preparation and clinical details brought to a focused meeting with decisions made collectively.

After identifying key stakeholders, we introduced a focused Medication Review meeting twice weekly. 

Aims of review: reduce ACB and FRIDs scores, discontinue medications no longer indicated, improve bone health with a patient-centred approach throughout.

We produced a data collection form for audit purposes, and agreed how to communicate suggested changes to patients and other staff. 


109 patients audited from October 2022-March 2023.

Medication Reviews increased from 17%-69%.

Improvements noted: average number of medications reduced from 9.5-9.0 (reduction diminished by addition of bone optimising medications3), number of patients with ACB ≥3 reduced from 32-11, average ACB score reduced from 1.9-0.9 and FRIDs score from 5.5-3.4.

ScHARR4 potential cost avoidance for 557 interventions was £37,501 - £86,218 with an average of 5 interventions/patient.


A focused multidisciplinary Medication Review led to a reduced ACB and FRIDs score, with a potential saving from interventions. It also increased the number of patients receiving a Medication Review.

This innovative way of providing Medication Review makes best use of our time and skills, encourages education, and promotes conversations with patients/families about medications to see what matters to them.


1.  FRIDs (Falls Risk Increasing Drugs)

Northern Ireland Medicines Optimisation in Older People (MOOP)

2.  ACB Calculator

Available at:

3.  FRAX® Fracture Risk Assessment Tool

Available at: (2023)

4.  ScHARR Potential Cost Avoidance

Karnon, J.; McIntosh, A.; Dean, J. et al. Modelling the expected net benefits of interventions to reduce the burden of medication errors. J. Health Serv. Res. Policy 2008, 13, 85–91.


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Great to see a proactive approach in reviewing prescriptions to help prevent problems.  I've never met a patient who wanted to take more medicines!

Submitted by Mrs Cathy Shannon on
