FRailty and Arterial stiffness – the role of oXidative stress and Inflammation (FRAXI study)

Poster ID
Authors' names
E Mensah1; K Ali1,2; W Banya3; F Kirkham1; M Mengozzi2; P Ghezzi4; C Rajkumar1,2*
Author's provenances
1 Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust, Brighton - UK; 2. Department of Medicine, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, Brighton - UK; 3. Research Office, Royal Brompton and Harefield Clinical
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



There is an association between frailty and arterial stiffness. However, arterial stiffness does not uniformly correlate with the spectrum of frailty states. Both oxidative stress and inflammaging contribute to vascular aging. There are no human studies exploring links between arterial stiffness, oxidative stress, inflammaging and frailty. Our objective is to investigate arterial stiffness and inflammaging as predictors of frailty states.


An observational longitudinal cohort study will be used to examine the association between arterial stiffness, oxidative stress, and inflammation in 50 older adults (≥70 years) with clinical frailty scores (CFS) ≤6 over six months. All study measurements will be taken at baseline. Frailty assessment will include hand-grip strength, timed-up and go test, mini-mental state examination, geriatric depression scale and sarcopenia using body composition measurements with Tanita®. Arterial stiffness measurements will include carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) and carotid-radial pulse wave velocity (crPWV) using Complior (Alam Medical, France). CAVI device will measure Cardio-ankle vascular index and ankle brachial index (ABI). Oxidative stress blood markers nitrotyrosine (NT) and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosin (8-oxo-dG) and inflammation markers high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and interlukin-6(IL-6) will be measured at baseline and 6-months along with lipid profile and glycated haemoglobin.

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics for continuous data using means and standard deviations for normality distributed variables or medians and inter-quartile ranges for skewed variables will be used. Participants will be categorized into CFS 1-3, and CFS 4-6. Categorical data will use frequencies and comparison between groups. Change in frailty between the groups over 6 months will be compared using paired t-test. Simple linear regression will be done between frailty measures, arterial stiffness, inflammation, and oxidative stress biomarkers. Significance will be at p<.05.


This study data will inform a larger, multi-centre exploring further the interplay between frailty, biomarkers, and arterial stiffness parameters. is funded by BGS.
