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Poster ID
Authors' names
H Mohamed1; J Tomlinson1; E Ali1; A Badawoud2; J Silcock1; A Jameson1; A Sutherland1; H Smith3; B Fylan1,4,5; PH Gardner1,5
Author's provenances
1. School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of Bradford; 2. Department of Pharmacy Practice, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University College of Pharmacy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 3. NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board; 4. NIHR Yorkshire a


Introduction: Adverse drug events from medication-related harm (MRH) can lead to hospital readmissions, compromised quality of life, and even death. After hospital discharge, older people can experience heightened vulnerability, and are often unprepared for self-care and medication self-management. Effective medication self-management involves more than adherence; it requires patients to monitor their condition(s), build routines, recognise errors, seek help, understand when to alter medications, and discuss these issues with healthcare professionals. Determining medication self-management capability in older people can guide supportive interventions and improve medication-related outcomes. This systematic review identifies measures which assess medication self-management capability for older people transitioning from hospital-to-home.

Method: A comprehensive search was conducted in electronic databases (Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews, and PROSPERO) for articles from database inception to 2023. Eligible studies included participants aged 65 or older experiencing a hospital-to-home transition, and measures containing at least one medication self-management component. Data extraction was performed using a standardised form. Characteristics of measures were tabulated and summarised descriptively. This review is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42023464325).

Results: 14 studies were included, identifying 12 unique measures. These measures predominantly had an adherence-focus, with other medication self-management components included to a lesser degree. Timing of measure administration and the individual administering the measure varied greatly across studies. Medication self-management capability was assessed through physical and cognitive skills. The number and type of skills assessed differed between measures. None of the measures considered all medication self-management components, with self-monitoring and adaptability specifically lacking.

Conclusion: Current measures for medication self-management capability assessment primarily focus on cognitive and physical skills, with significant emphasis on medication adherence. This can lead to other important skills being overlooked. Findings further highlight the importance of comprehensive definitions when considering medication self-management across the hospital-to-home transition, and recommendations are provided for developing future measures.


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That is really interesting. I think we all tend to be fixated on adherence as being the key - particularly in terms of safety. I had never really thought about the other aspects which make for a much more holistic approach. The monitoring for effects/adverse effects and the need for adaptability to change in other factors is super important too. You made me think, thank you.

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Poster ID
Authors' names
Heather Wightman1, Elaine Butterly1, Lili Wei1, Ryan McChrystal1, Naveed Sattar2, Amanda Adler3, David Phillipo4, Sofia Dias5, Nicky Welton4, Andrew Clegg6, Miles Witham7,8, Kenneth Rockwood9, David McAllister1, Peter Hanlon1
Author's provenances
1. School of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow 2. School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health, University of Glasgow 3. University of Oxford Diabetes Trials Unit 4. Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol 5. C
Abstract category
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Introduction: The representation of frailty in type 2 diabetes trials is unclear. This study used individual patient data (IPD) from trials of newer glucose-lowering therapies to quantify frailty and assess the association between frailty and treatment efficacy and adverse events. 

Methods: We analysed IPD from 34 trials of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor analogues and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Frailty was quantified using a cumulative deficit frailty index (FI). For each trial we assessed the distribution of the FI; interactions between frailty and treatment efficacy (HbA1c and major adverse cardiovascular events [MACE]); and associations between FI and non-completion, adverse events, and hypoglycaemic episodes before pooling results using random-effects network meta-analysis. 

Findings: Trial participants numbered 25,208. Mean age 53.8-74.2 years. Median frailty prevalence (FI>0.24) was 1.9% (IQR 0.8% to 6.1%). There was no heterogeneity in treatment efficacy by FI for MACE or HbA1c in the primary analysis (high uncertainty for MACE). A 0.1-point increase in the FI was associated with adverse events (incidence rate ratio, IRR 1.43, 95% confidence interval 1.34-1.53), treatment-related adverse events (1.35, 1.22-1.50), serious adverse events (2.04, 1.80-2.30), hypoglycaemia (1.18, 1.04-1.34), MACE (hazard ratio 3.02, 2.49-3.68) and early withdrawal (odds ratio 1.45, 1.30-1.62). 

Conclusions: Frailty is associated with similar efficacy of treatment but with greater incidence of both adverse events and MACE. Frailty was rare in most trials. While these findings support calls to relax HbA1c-based targets in people living with frailty, they also highlight the need for inclusion of people living with frailty in trials.

Poster ID
Authors' names
Alicia Diaz-Gil 1, Olga Kozlowska 2, Sarah Pendlebury 3
Author's provenances
1. Oxford Brookes University, 2. Oxford Brookes University, 3. Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences; University of Oxford


Introduction: The incidence of dementia among patients in perioperative settings is on the rise, presenting significant challenges for healthcare professionals in delivering adequate and appropriate care to this patient population. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the perioperative care needs of patients with dementia, thirty healthcare professionals were interviewed. The focus was on their experiences and perspectives regarding the fulfilment of these needs. Key factors influencing perioperative care were identified and categorized into three main themes: patient-related factors, healthcare professional-related factors, and healthcare environment-related factors. Methods: Thirty interviews were conducted with a diverse group of healthcare professionals, including anaesthetists, surgeons, nurses, and other perioperative staff. Thematic analysis was employed to process and interpret the data, identifying recurring themes and sub-themes that reflect the complexities of perioperative care for patients with dementia. Results: The analysis revealed three primary themes: 1) Factors related to the patient with dementia: Cognitive impairment and comorbidities uniquely challenge perioperative care. The unfamiliar hospital environment often exacerbates cognitive symptoms, and adherence to postoperative protocols can be problematic. Family involvement is crucial in supporting these patients. 2) Healthcare Professional Factors: Perceptions of dementia, communication issues, pain assessment, and the need for personalized care were highlighted. Training and education deficits among healthcare professionals were evident, impacting the quality of care. 3) Institutional Factors: Organisational policies and resource allocation significantly affect the provision of dementia care. Support for healthcare professionals through ongoing education and the development of dementia-specific guidelines were identified as essential needs. Conclusion: Effective perioperative care for patients with dementia requires addressing multifaceted challenges. Improving communication, enhancing education and training for healthcare professionals, involving family members, and ensuring institutional support are critical steps. A comprehensive, empathetic approach can lead to better outcomes and experiences for patients with dementia in the perioperative setting.


Loved your poster - thank you for sharing

Really interested to read about your findings - I work as an OT ACP in perioperative care. I feel that the environment of busy surgical wards is extremely challenging for any person with cognitive impairment and there is much we can do to optimise protocols for best practice for dementia patients on surgical pathways

Submitted by narayanamoorti… on


It would be good to see parallel work looking at whether this group of professionals know how to reduce risk of, recognise and manage perioperative delirium

Poster ID
Authors' names
SRR Batista S 1,2,3; , VS Wottrich 3,4; EM Pereira 3; RR Silva 5
Author's provenances
1. School of Medicine, Federal University Of Goias, Brazil; 2. Postgraduate Program in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil; 3. Institute of Tropical Pathology and Public Health, Federal University of Goiás, Goiâ
Abstract category
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The coexistence of two or more morbidities, including at least one mental morbidity, is defined as mental-physical multimorbidity (MP-MM). It is linked to significant poor outcomes, such as a high burden of healthcare utilisation, particularly in the elderly. To evaluate the complex connections between the 16 physical and mental morbidities among Brazilian older people from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Ageing, we performed a network analysis (NA), a sophisticated multivariate statistical technique to estimate all relationships between morbidities represented by an undirected grafus. The objective was to estimate patterns in a complex set of multiple aleatory variables and display them in a network map within nodes and edges representing the variables and the interrelationships among them. In this study, we applied the NA to model interrelationships among chronic physical morbidities and depression. We utilised data from 6.104 participants of the second wave (2019-2020) of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSI-Brazil). The data were adjusted according to the Ising model with the IsingFit function by R Software. Centrality and stability measures were assessed by the bootstrap method through the bootnet library. In this network, depression, low back pain, and hypertension were the morbidities that had the most effects on the network's overall structure, according to an examination of the centrality metrics of the nodes (strength, proximity, and betweenness). Depression was the morbidity with the higher betweenness. The model's interpretation indicates that depression is the illness that has the highest influence on the model and would likely be the most beneficial area for intervention.

Poster ID
Authors' names
P Bhambra 1 , A Smith 2 , H Paris 3
Author's provenances
1 and 3; One Weston Care Home Hub, Weston Super Mare; 2 University of the West of England (UWE)
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One in four Care Home (CH) residents have diabetes, making diet crucial for controlling glucose levels (GLs). Continuous blood glucose monitoring (CGM) now offers deeper insights into GL fluctuations. Diabetes in severe frailty is often overtreated, particularly with insulin, posing risks such as hypoglycemia, avoidable hospital admissions, and labour-intensive clinical supervision. While protein and vegetables can slow glucose absorption, dietary advice for CH residents typically emphasizes carbohydrates and may not be tailored to their frailty. This study investigates the impact of modifying protein intake in insulin-using diabetics to improve glycaemic control.


A small pilot study assessed if protein-rich foods (e.g. eggs, peanut butter) given for breakfast stabilise GLs throughout the day. Eight diabetic CH residents using insulin were randomly selected over four months. A diabetic frailty pharmacist monitored GLs with the CGM device (Freestyle Libre) and analysed GLs after a protein-rich breakfast. Descriptive analysis and t-tests were conducted using R before and after the food intervention, and ANOVA was used to analyse significant differences in GLs.


Six out of eight patients showed statistically significant reductions in GL spikes, sustained throughout the day. For the remaining two patients, the food intervention helped maintain target GLs. This led to the discontinuation of insulin in one patient, and in the second, problematic frequent hypoglycemia was mitigated by the food intervention. Clinical decisions on patient safety influenced outcomes for these two patients but were not excluded from analysis.


Six of the eight residents given additional protein at breakfast showed significant GL reductions, leading to decreased insulin dosing and simpler regimes. Carers reported improvements in mood, sleep, and energy levels anecdotally. A holistic dietary approach in managing diabetes in CH residents, emphasizing increased morning protein intake, should be considered to enhance GL control and allow deprescribing. A larger study is planned.


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Poster ID
Authors' names
I Henderson; JP Sheppard; R Barnes; RJ McManus
Author's provenances
Department of Primary Care Sciences, University of Oxford
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category



Multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs) are common in the population, which increase with age and are associated with increased hospital admissions. Identifying early signs of decline, such as restricted physical activity, could help reduce avoidable hospitalisations, however it is not clear how best to do this.


To co-design with patients, caregivers and primary care professionals (PCPs), an intervention aimed at identifying changes in activity in order to recognise decline in older adults with MLTCs. Methods The Person-Based Approach was followed to plan and develop this intervention. Qualitative interviews were conducted with older patients with MLTCs, caregivers, and PCPs to examine perspectives on an intervention measuring changes in physical activity. A prototype app was developed, using these results and patient and public involvement. This was further optimised through iterative think-aloud interviews with patients, caregivers, and PCPs.


Thirty-six interviews were conducted comprising of 17 patients (mean age 79-years, 23% female), eight caregivers and 11 PCPs (GPs, nurses, occupational therapists, and pharmacists). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and thematically analysed. Findings highlighted the importance of restricted activity as an indicator of decline. Patients often described their experiences of decline through non-specific symptoms, including changes in physical activity. PCPs emphasised the value of knowing about such changes to clinical decision-making. Different technology options for measuring activity were explored, considering data quality, and acceptability of passive/active data collection. The initial prototype intervention was designed for iterative testing and think-aloud interviews will be completed by November and presented.


This study highlights the utility of measuring changes in activity in older patients, and some benefits and lessons learned from co-design. A proactive approach to detecting early decline within community settings may provide opportunities to unplanned hospital admissions. 


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Poster ID
Authors' names
Clemence Musabyimana, Bob Yang
Author's provenances
Urology department, Royal Berkshire hospital.
Abstract category
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Background: Prostate cancer and bladder outlet obstruction, often treated surgically, are increasing in the aging population, leading to more cases of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). While implantable continence devices are beneficial for many, a growing number of frail patients are unsuitable for surgery and rely on incontinence pads or penile clamps, which are limited to three-hour use to prevent tissue ischaemia. We present the first UK evaluation of the new PaceyCuff penile clamp, designed for 24-hour wear while maintaining blood flow, to assess its efficacy, safety, and impact on patient quality of life.

Methodology: Men with urodynamically-proven SUI were identified. Baseline penile and finger peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), three-hour pad weight, 24-hour pad count and patient-reported outcomes (ICIQ-UI, QoL) were measured. Participants were then fitted with the PaceyCuff, and reassessed immediately, at three hours post-application and (via telephone) after two weeks.

Results: 13 men (average age 74, range 62-82) were recruited. ICIQ-UI scores decreased from 17 to 10, and QoL scores from 13 to 9. Average three-hour pad weight dropped from 94g to 10g and daily pad usage decreased from 4 to 0.9 pads. Participants reported good tolerance, with an average pain score of 1.8/10 and only 2 minor adverse effects (skin abrasion, transient pain). Penile SpO2 remained stable before, immediately after, and three hours post-use (76%, 82%, and 81% respectively). Sub-group analysis of patients over the age of 80 (n=4) confirmed equal effectiveness. (ICIQ-UI decreased 18 to 10, QoL decreased 13 to 9, three-hour pad weight decreased 77g to 9g, daily pad usage decreased 4 to 1.5 pads, average pain 1.5/10).

Conclusions: The PaceyCuff has demonstrated both efficacy and tolerability in managing SUI in a UK cohort for the first time and offers a potential treatment option for elderly patients ineligible for surgical intervention.


Poster ID
Authors' names
MK Chakravorty, S Sritharan, I Capper, S Nakum, T Chakraborty, N Kaza, N Jethwa, J Shah
Author's provenances
Northwick Park Hospital, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.
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Frailty, independent of age, is associated with adverse outcomes following admission with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) but is often not accounted in risk stratification scores. Those identified as frail may not be considered for invasive interventions despite evidence that they stand to benefit (1) and are at risk of worsening geriatric syndromes on discharge (2,3).


We aimed to categorise clinical outcomes in older adults admitted with ACS, with or without frailty to suggest if there is a role for geriatrician input in reducing length of stay and preventing adverse events.


Anonymised data was obtained from an NHS trust’s MINAP registry of patients admitted with ACS between April 2022 to March 2023. Baseline demographics, Clinical Frailty Score (CFS), GRACE and HEART scores, total length of stay (LOS), days as inpatient pre- and post-procedure, adverse events during admission, readmission rates and all-cause mortality rate at 30 days and 1 year were calculated.


288 patients over age 65 admitted with ACS were included in analysis.

Median age was 73 [IQR 67-80.75]. Patients over 75 years had higher rates of frailty (38.5% of 75-84 years and 50.0 % over 85 years had CFS ≥ 5 versus 14.9% 65-74 years (p<0.00001)).

253 (87%) patients underwent invasive angiogram during admission. Although, age was not a limiting factor, frail patients were less likely to have an angiogram: 24.9% CFS ≥ 5 versus 57.1% of CFS ≤ 3 (p=0.00199).

Mean LOS was 9.02 days with a median of 7[IQR 4-12] v mean LOS 6 days for all under 65 (p<0.0001). There was a trend for longer LOS post-angiogram particularly for patients with CFS 4-5 versus CFS 3 or less (11.3 days v 8.92 days p=0.053).


Older people admitted with ACS are more likely to have a prolonged admission. Input from geriatricians and the wider multidisciplinary team may help to identify and optimise care and decision making of patients admitted with ACS and mild to moderate frailty.

1. Damluji et al. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019;8:e013686


Poster ID
Authors' names
Angeline Price 1, Lyndsay Pearce 1, Jane Griffiths 2, Jonathan Smith 3, Louise Tomkow 2, Peter Martin 4
Author's provenances
1 Salford Royal Hospital; 2 University of Manchester; 3 Birkbeck, University of London; 4 University College London



Around 30,000 emergency laparotomies are performed each year across the United Kingdom. Over half are in people aged 65 years or above, with a third of this group living with frailty.  The association between frailty and 90-day mortality following surgery is well documented, but longer-term mortality risk has been less extensively studied, despite clear implications for person-centred care.  This study aimed to estimate the influence of frailty on longer-term mortality (> 90 days) following emergency laparotomy.



A retrospective analysis of National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) data was undertaken, including records entered between 01/12/18 and 30/11/20. Baseline patient characteristics including Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) are routinely collected within NELA. Data are linked via NHS Digital with Office for National Statistics mortality data. A multivariate analysis was undertaken using a Cox proportional hazards model with hospital-level random effects. Potential confounders were identified via a directed acyclic graph and included in the model as covariates.



23,290 patients remained alive at 90 days post-surgery and were therefore included in the analysis. After adjusting for other covariates, increasing frailty was associated with an increased risk of longer-term mortality. Compared with CFS 1-3, adjusted HR were 1.86 (95% CI 1.68 – 2.05) for CFS 4, 2.23 (95% CI 2.03 – 2.45) for CFS 5, 3.26 (95% CI 2.99 – 3.57) for CFS 6, 4.53 (95% CI 3.97 (95% CI 5.17) for CFS 7, 5.80 (95% CI 4.44 – 7.57) for CFS 8 and 5.36 (95% CI 4.06 – 7.08) for CFS 9. 



Older people living with frailty remain at increased risk of death beyond 90 days following emergency laparotomy. This information should be incorporated into shared decision-making, enabling patients to make informed choices about their care. Future work must explore how outcomes for this group might be improved through targeted post-operative support.


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That's such an important finding about the CFS4 group. The link to shared decision-making and its impact on longer-term care planning is key. Thank you for sharing your research.

Submitted by sean.murphy on


Great poster - really interested to hear about the inadequacy of binary classification as I am looking at how we can improve accuracy of frailty scoring on our emergency surgery wards. This cements in my mind that we need to ensure this is not 'dumbed down' for the sake of convenience (hope that makes sense!)

Submitted by narayanamoorti… on


It does make sense. I think what the results made me consider is that across the spectrum of frailty, there are different priorities and different approaches may be beneficial. So accuracy of scoring is really important in triggering the right kind of input… but takes time to get there. Would love to chat sometime about your role 

Submitted by ken.mulpeter on

Poster ID
Authors' names
Peter Hanlon, Eric Bischoff, Jennifer Burton, Jordan Canning, Karen Wood, Rose Collard, Barbara Nicholl
Author's provenances
University of Glasgow School of Health and Wellbeing, Radboud University Medical Centre
Abstract category
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Introduction: People living with multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) are more likely to experience hospital admission, which is often associated with unintended consequences. Preventing or providing alternatives to admission by predicting adverse admission-related outcomes is important. This study aims to provide an overview of the association between MLTCs and adverse outcomes following hospital admission through a systematic review of systematic reviews.


Method: We searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science and PsycINFO for systematic reviews assessing risk factors/predictors of functional decline (FD), nursing home admission (NHA), or changes in quality of life among adults (≥18 years) experiencing unscheduled acute hospital admission. Eligible reviews had to assess MLTC (LTC counts, indices, or individual LTCs), either alone or with other predictors. Titles/abstracts and full texts were screened in duplicate and candidate predictors were extracted.


Results: 14 systematic reviews assessed predictors of FD (n=8) or NHA (n=6). Reviews focused on studies of general inpatients/mixed presentations (n=8: 6 FD, 2 NHA); hip fracture (n=2: 1 FD, 1 NHA); stroke (n=2: 1 FD, 1 NHA) and cognitive impairment (n=1, NHA) or delirium (n=1, NHA). Assessment of MLTC was heterogenous: comorbidity indices (n=4), counts of LTC (n=2), specific LTC (n=8), and ‘comorbidity’ without further qualification (n=3). Higher comorbidity indices, higher counts, and a range of specific comorbidities (most notably dementia) were associated with FD and NHA. Reviews assessing MLTC alongside other predictors highlighted a broad range of sociodemographic, functional, social, and admission-related factors that were associated with FD and NHA. In general, reviews did not assess the relative importance of MLTC alongside other predictors.


Conclusion: While MLTC may predict unwanted outcomes following admission their qualification is often inconsistent and their relative importance as predictors, alongside broader factors such as social complexity, is rarely assessed in existing systematic reviews.