Michael Denham discusses the emergence of state hospitals - an improvement on the quackery and inadequate regulation of medical services which prevailed in the UK
Mike Denham charts the journey of British Geriatric Medicine's journal, Gerontologia Clinica from its inception, when publishers dismissed geriatric medicine as 'unimportant', to the highly successful descendant, Age and Ageing.
The Older Person Whisperer's series of comic presentations on the life of a geriatrician
“There is no doubt that the occasional scandal does an enormous amount for a social service.” Sir Keith Joseph in the House of Commons 12/7/1971
A description of the social context which gave rise to Marjory Warren’s assessment of 874 inmates of a large public assistance institution in West Middlesex in 1935.
The role of immigrants from the Asian sub-continent in the development of geriatric medicine
Notes on the inaugural meeting of the Medical Society for the Care of the Elderly (later the British Geriatrics Society).
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