Our Purpose

Founded in 1947,  the British Geriatrics Society now has over 5,000 members, and we are the only Society in the UK offering specialist expertise in the wide range of healthcare needs of older people.

Geriatric medicine is the branch of general medicine concerned with the healthcare of older people. The term geriatrics comes from the Greek word, geron meaning 'old man' and iatros meaning 'healer'. At its core, Geriatrics requires comprehensive assessment of older people living with illness or long term conditions which affect their daily lives. This involves close inter-disciplinary working with nurses, therapists, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers and many other health and care professionals. We work closely with GPs, Old Age Psychiatrists and many hospital clinical specialists to ensure that old people receive the highest possible levels of care.

Our membership is truly multidisciplinary. It includes consultant geriatricians, nurses, GPs, old age psychiatrists, allied healthcare professionals, and researchers. Everyone specialising in the healthcare of older people is welcome to join. Special Interest Groups within the Society focus on specific conditions including Falls and Bone Health, Oncology, Community Geriatrics, Cardiovascular Disease, Movement Disorders, Diabetes and Dementia.

With the advent of diverging health and social care policy in the devolved nations, the British Geriatrics Society has devolved national and regional networks which cover all of the UK, providing detailed focus on local issues. Other working groups within the Society focus on clinical quality, academic research, workforce, education and training, and there are dedicated forums for trainees and nurses.

I am proud of being part of the BGS. We’re a society that works hard to improve the care of older people, and supports and guides fellow professionals. We are a powerful voice advocating for older people.”

Dr Adhi Vedamurthy, Former Chair, BGS Wales Council