Course Overview
Cancer is often considered as a disease of ageing, and with increasing demand on services, more health professionals are becoming involved in caring for patients with cancer. This elearning course begins with an overview of oncology and then focuses on geriatric oncology 'oncogeriatrics'.
The course then focuses on patient assessment, including CGA, and prepares you for the final module, which considers the cancer patient journey.
This course is suitable for a range of health professionals and has been developed with input from pharmacists, GPs, occupational therapists, nurses, nutritionists and physiotherapists.
Achieving 80% or higher in the assessment modules results in course certification. The course carries 10 CPD hours/credits of distance learning from the RCP (London).
Course options
The elearning course is accessible for free for BGS members but charged at £150 for non-members
Participants can progress through the module chapters and undertake the multiple-choice questions.
Achieving 80% or higher in the assessment modules results in course certification.
The total course is approved for 10 CPD hours/credits. Approximate timings for individual modules are:
Oncology Essentials | 180 minutes |
Introduction to Geriatric Oncology | 120 minutes |
Patient Assessment | 180 minutes |
The Cancer Treatment Journey | 120 minutes |
As a member, you can register for free access using the pink button at the side of this page.
You can access the course without being a member of the BGS. To do so, you need to create a Non-Member account and pay £150.
With an account, register using the pink button at the side of this page. You can join the BGS to enjoy the wider membership benefits.
Not yet a member? Click here to join the BGS |
How to access the elearning course
Click on 'My account' at the top right corner of the page and then select the 'CPD and certificates' button (on the right hand side).
You will be able to see all registered courses which are currently running.
Make sure you click on 'Exit Activity' before you leave the course page to ensure you record your progress
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
Module 1
- Understand a general overview of oncology essentials
- Familiarise with the range of cancer treatment modalities
- Understand cancer staging and subtyping
- Gain an understanding of emergencies in oncology
Module 2
- Understand demographic considerations in the incidence and prevalence of cancer
- Recognise the limitations within the oncology evidence base related to the older adult population
- Develop an understanding of the evidence supporting the use of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) for patients undergoing chemotherapy
- Familiarise with commonly used screening tools for triaging patients requiring CGA
- Understand typical patient pathways and care models within geriatric oncology
Module 3
- Understand the relevance of identifying frailty, comorbidity and geriatric syndromes in older people with cancer
- Gain awareness of different frailty screening tools, and their utility in an oncogeriatrics service
- Understand how to perform Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) for an older person with cancer
Module 4
- Review the principles of shared decision making and how these are used in decisions about cancer treatment
- Gain knowledge on specific considerations for cancer treatment decisions, including prognostication, mortality prediction, and chemotherapy risk prediction
- Understand the importance of capacity assessment, consent, and the involvement of caregivers in cancer treatment decisions
- Understand the significance of acute hospital admissions, advance care planning, and end of life care in older people with cancer