People are living longer and cancer is no longer a death sentence for older people. Outside groups are increasingly consulting the British Geriatrics Society and geriatricians directly on the various treatments for patients with cancer both in hospital and in the Community. As a result, the BGS Geriatric Oncology (or Oncogeriatrics) Group was set up in 2015. Membership is open to any doctor, nurse or allied health professional with an interest in cancer in older age.

The aims and objectives of the group are to:

  • Promote the specialty of Geriatric Oncology to doctors involved in the care of older people.
  • Bring together all healthcare professionals involved in delivering cancer care to older people to provide joint and integrated care models.
  • Identify research and training opportunities for healthcare professionals involved in the care of older people with cancer.
  • Facilitate multidisciplinary research in Geriatric Oncology.
  • Provide expert body of knowledge to enable the BGS to respond to queries about Geriatric Oncology.

We are grateful to Macmillan Cancer Support for their encouragement and support in setting up the BGS Geriatrics Oncology Special Interest Group. 

In 2012 the DH / Age UK / Macmillan Cancer Support piloted the assessment and support of older people with cancer, which set out six principles for ‘age-friendly cancer care.’  

Building on this work, Macmillan now has an Older People’s Oncology Expert Reference Group (ERG) to inform the development of improved care and treatment for older people. Professor Margot Gosney and Dr Danielle Harari, both BGS members, are in that group.

How to join a SIG

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