Respiratory disease: Research Articles
There follows a list of scientific research papers, recommended by the British Geriatrics Society Respiratory Group, related to COPD and respiratory issues
Falls by individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a preliminary 12-month prospective cohort study
Oliveira CC1, Lee AL1, McGinley J1, Thompson M2, Irving LB3,2, Anderson GP3, Clark RA4, Clarke S5, Denehy L1.
Balance impairment in patients with COPD
Crişan AF1, Oancea C1, Timar B2, Fira-Mladinescu O1, Tudorache V1.
Balance and Falls in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Prospective Study
Oliveira CC1,2, Lee AL1, McGinley J1, Anderson GP3, Clark RA4, Thompson M5, Clarke S6, Baker T5, Irving LB5, Denehy L1.
Relationship between FEV1 and arterial stiffness in elderly people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Costanzo L, Pedone C, Battistoni F, Chiurco D, Santangelo S, Antonelli-Incalzi R.
Dyspnea in the Elderly
Barbera AR1, Jones MP2.
Characterization and redox mechanism of asthma in the elderly
Zuo L1,2, Pannell BK1, Liu Z1,3.
Challenges on non-invasive ventilation to treat acute respiratory failure in the elderly.
Scala R1.
Evaluation of Dyspnea in the Elderly
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation in elderly patients: A narrative review
Piroddi IMG1, Barlascini C2, Esquinas A3, Braido F4, Banfi P5, Nicolini A1.
Implementation of respiratory protection measures: Visitors of residential care homes for the elderly
Lee DT1, Yu DS2, Ip M3, Tang JY4.
Corticosteroids and hip fracture risk in elderly respiratory patients