Dr David Attwood
David is a GP with a specialist interest in Older People, particularly in change management surrounding their proactive and unplanned care. His experience in working in primary care, secondary care, and intermediate care, has led to a deep appreciation of the need for novel solutions, transcending all health providers, built around the needs of older people.
He is particularly interested in the role of a shared IT solution in effecting at scale, evidence-based change. Notable achievements include employing shared IT to create the following new care models in the South Devon locality:
1. A proactive, carehome visiting service
2. A shared IT solution with primary care and intermediate care
3. An ambulatory care pathway for housebound older people with frailty, dementia, and multi-morbidity that commences the moment they contact their doctors surgery with symptoms. It followed the patient in to hospital and back to the community
He is keen on teaching and is a fairly regular fixture at the Devon Community Education Provider Network (CPEN) teaching sessions on subjects such as frailty, long term conditions, and medications de-prescribing.