EUGMS Survey on the assessment and management of urinary incontinence in the older patient
On behalf on Prof Mirko Petrovic, Academic Director, and Prof Carlos Verdejo Bravo, Full Board Member and leader of the Task and Finish Group on Urinary Incontinence, I am glad to invite you to participate to a clinical survey on the current assessment and management of this geriatric syndrome in different European countries.
The objectives of the this clinical study are:
- To know the current management of UI in older persons
- To gather experience of the geriatricians working in different member countries of the EUGMS
- To assess the educational requirements in this area of older care
- To make recommendations for improving the management of UI in the older person
You are kindly invited to complete the online questionnaire that you will find at this link.
Please respond to our request until the 30th of June 2018. If you think that you might not have the possibility to answer our questions properly, we would like to ask you to delegate this task to a colleague from your country that will be able to do so. Your contribution is fundamental!