We publicise courses related to ageing science and the care of older patients with a view to augmenting the skills of doctors and other professionals already working or intending to work with older patients. Courses may be full time, residential, part-time, or correspondence courses, offered by recognised universities and hospitals around the United Kingdom.
We have not been involved in the development or organisation of the courses below. Publication of an external course on this website in no way implies the British Geriatrics Society's endorsement of the course or material.
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External courses
These elearning courses and modules have not been developed by BGS but may also be useful for those interested in developing their skills and learning in the area of older people's health and care.
External courses
These elearning courses and modules have not been developed by BGS but may also be useful for those interested in developing their skills and learning in the area of older people's health and care.

elearning for Health - Frailty (FTY)
This is an elearning programme split into 3 tiers (1, 2a & 2b) for the general public, health and social care professionals respectively that is compliant with the skills for health 'Frailty core capabilities framework'. This programme offers promotion of a common language across all sectors to support embedding enhanced clinical skills and competencies in an existing workforce. This programme endorses the prerequisite to personalise care to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty to support improved health outcomes. Tier 3 is not included in this programme as it is seen as advanced practitioner level.

Tier 2 Leeds Frailty Education
Join experts from geriatric medicine, pharmacy, palliative care, law and ethics in learning about frailty and its related syndromes in our two day course that covers tier 2 of the Frailty Framework of core capabilities
Our 2 day courses are externally accredited for 12 CPD points from the RCP

Useful links
This page brings together some existing sources of external CPD relating to geriatric medicine and the healthcare of older people, which may be of benefit to members and their multidisciplinary colleagues.