Bereavement in the time of COVID-19: Learning from experiences of the bereaved

Poster ID
Authors' names
S Lightbody; L Catt; A Ahmad; D Glover; J Whitney; S Hasan
Author's provenances
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Abstract category
Abstract sub-category


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people experiencing bereavement in challenging circumstances. In April 2020 at a large London Trust, a “Bereavement Welfare Hub” (BWH) was established to offer support and advice by telephone to relatives and carers of all adults who died as inpatients. Data from these calls has been used to examine and learn from experiences of the bereaved at this time.

Methods: Data from BWH call records regarding 809 adults who died at the Trust in March - May 2020 were collated and analysed quantitatively. A random selection of 149 call records were examined using thematic analysis.

Results: 809 adults died at the Trust between March and May 2020. The mean age at death was 76 (SD=14) and 86% of deaths occurred on medical wards (outside intensive care). Bereavement calls were completed in 663 (82%) of cases. From analysis of call records, several themes that influenced the bereavement experience were identified. These included support from family and community, communication and contact with the dying person, support from bereavement services and ability to carry out usual rituals associated with dying.

Conclusions: Age is a significant risk factor for death from COVID-19 and the majority of deaths have occurred on medical wards. Improving hospital care of dying patients during the pandemic or at any time is relevant to geriatricians and other healthcare professionals working with older people. Our analysis identifies several factors which positively or negatively influenced the experiences of people bereaved during the first wave of COVID-19. From these findings, recommendations have been made which have the potential to improve the bereavement experience, particularly during the pandemic era.


Good use of routinely collected data to improve practice and care

I hope you publish your work so we can all learn from your work

Well done