General election 2024: Improving healthcare for older people

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In advance of the general election on 4 July, BGS has outlined ten asks under three themes that the next government needs to prioritise in order to improve healthcare for older people.  

In the upcoming general election, the three themes that we think will be crucial to older people’s healthcare are: 

  • Provision of person-centred care: before, during and after ill health 
  • A fully trained and sustainable workforce 
  • A long-term solution to social care 

You can find out more about our key asks of the incoming government by downloading our full manifesto here

We are sharing these asks with party leaders and health spokespeople throughout the election campaign. However, we need your help to make sure as many candidates across the country see what we are calling for. 

How you can help

Write to your candidates about our asks

You can find out who the candidates are in your constituency on the Electoral Commission website.

We have provided template letters which are downloadable as word documents for you to send to your candidates. There is a short version and a longer version which give more detail about our asks. Please feel free to tailor the letter in any way you wish. 

How you can help

Write to your candidates about our asks

You can find out who the candidates are in your constituency on the Electoral Commission website.

We have provided template letters which are downloadable as word documents for you to send to your candidates. There is a short version and a longer version which give more detail about our asks. Please feel free to tailor the letter in any way you wish. 

How you can help

Write to your candidates about our asks

You can find out who the candidates are in your constituency on the Electoral Commission website.

We have provided template letters which are downloadable as word documents for you to send to your candidates. There is a short version and a longer version which give more detail about our asks. Please feel free to tailor the letter in any way you wish. 

Attend hustings

Keep an eye on local media and social media pages to find out details of hustings events where you live. We have written some suggested questions for you to ask candidates at hustings to help you decide how to vote. 

Suggested questions to ask candidates at hustings 
  • The population is forecast to age considerably in the next 20 years. What plans does your party have to enable older people to live healthy, independent lives? 
  • I work as a [geriatrician/nurse/AHP/GP] at [relevant local service]. Older people are the NHS’s biggest user group and I see every day how the service is letting them down. What steps will your party take to ensure that the NHS has the resources it needs to care for older people with complex needs? 
  • Industrial action among junior doctors remains unresolved. How would your party prioritise resolving this dispute? 
  • Every Prime Minister in the last 20 years has promised to fix the crisis in social care yet there has been no progress on this issue. What would your party do to ensure that everyone who needs social care is able to access it in a timely manner? 
  • What is your party doing to increase the number of healthcare professionals working with older people?
  • Will your party commit to allowing social care staff to come to the UK and bring their families?
  • Older people use the NHS more than any other population group. Will your party commit to mandating frailty training for all healthcare professionals working in the NHS? 
  • Will your party commit to increasing medical school places? 

Share on social media

We’ll be sharing our key asks (see below) on social media throughout the election campaign – please do repost and share.