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The BGS has written to urge the committee chairs and the sponsor of the bill to ensure that the voices of older people and the healthcare professionals who care for them are heard.
2024 Wales Autumn Meeting
Geriatrics for Juniors 2018 is here! A day of practical tips & career advice for junior docs, specialist nurses & AHPs around the care of older people. November 24th in London.
The BGS Autumn Meeting will cover the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. Our ageing population is stimulating extensive NHS service redesign to deal with the challenge of caring f
Assessment of mental capacity should be a routine part of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. This guide lays out the principles which govern testing mental capacity, advance care decisions and powers of attorney, along with the safeguards.
The amendment, prompted by BGS's written evidence to the committee, removes 'medical condition' from the definition of terminal illness, safeguarding older people with frailty.
This statement sets out the BGS position on assisted dying, our priorities for end of life care, and our concerns that effective legal safeguards cannot be created to protect older people from unwarranted harms.
Assisted Dying is currently an issue featuring regularly in the media and occupying the public’s attention, with Bills proposing the legalisation going through both the Scottish and Westminster Par
Presentations from 2021 South East and South West Thames Joint Region Meeting (4 CPD Points)
This section of the BGS guidance on end of life care in older people covers legal and ethical implications.