Sponsorship Opportunities


The British Geriatrics Society is committed to fostering research and providing continuing professional development (CPD). Read more about the BGS here.

The aims of our meetings are to:

  • Highlight current good clinical practice;
  • Provide a platform to present current research outcomes
  • Showcase successful service delivery.

Exhibitions at events are an integral part of our meetings.

We accept abstracts from researchers around the world and welcome multi-disciplinary audiences, with the work showcased in the exhibition area.

Each meeting focuses on key themes in the healthcare of older people and is built around our central CPD programme to address knowledge gaps, explore solutions to critical issues and to address the changing needs of today’s ageing population.

The conferences feature plenary sessions with internationally renowned invited speakers, as well as parallel sessions devoted to special interest areas and clinical developments, workshops and symposia.

2023/4 Hybrid Sponsorship Packages

Spring and Autumn Partnership Packages 

From 2022 onwards the BGS meetings aim to make all meetings hybrid by default, with a virtual attendance option in addition to in-person attendance. Attendees will be able to choose how to attend based on their preferences, existing work, and personal commitments. 

For those attending in-person, we aim to continue the same high-quality educational content in addition to the networking and interactions missed during the virtual conferences.  For both in-person and virtual delegates there will be the ability to network and visit exhibitors before, during, and after each meeting.

Recordings of the presentations, including sponsored symposia, if permitted, will be accessible post-event to all attendees for 12 months.

Sponsored symposia

Spring/ Autumn (hybrid)

SIG or Trainee meeting (hybrid)

Nation or Region meeting (hybrid)


Sponsored symposia

£10,000 + VAT

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

Not available

Spotlight sessions (2 per day max)

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

£750+ VAT

Stand sponsorship

£1,200 + VAT per day

£750 + VAT

per day

£500 +VAT per day

Not available

Livestreaming package partner package

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

2023/4 Hybrid Sponsorship Packages

Spring and Autumn Partnership Packages 

From 2022 onwards the BGS meetings aim to make all meetings hybrid by default, with a virtual attendance option in addition to in-person attendance. Attendees will be able to choose how to attend based on their preferences, existing work, and personal commitments. 

For those attending in-person, we aim to continue the same high-quality educational content in addition to the networking and interactions missed during the virtual conferences.  For both in-person and virtual delegates there will be the ability to network and visit exhibitors before, during, and after each meeting.

Recordings of the presentations, including sponsored symposia, if permitted, will be accessible post-event to all attendees for 12 months.

Sponsored symposia

Spring/ Autumn (hybrid)

SIG or Trainee meeting (hybrid)

Nation or Region meeting (hybrid)


Sponsored symposia

£10,000 + VAT

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

Not available

Spotlight sessions (2 per day max)

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

£750+ VAT

Stand sponsorship

£1,200 + VAT per day

£750 + VAT

per day

£500 +VAT per day

Not available

Livestreaming package partner package

£5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

Gold Partner Package 1 only 

£20,000 plus VAT

  • Satellite symposium - 30 minutes including time for Q&A
    • Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
    • Sponsors will need to provide their own moderators
  • Up to 6x4m exhibition stand and virtual booth
  • Delegate attendance capture form – capture attendee’s details via your own form
  • Key partner package – All sessions from event to include your logo and acknowledgement as key sponsor.
  • Invite up to 50 delegate places. Up to 20 corporate attendees
  • Virtual exhibition page
  • Delegate list

Silver Partner Package

£15,000 plus VAT

  • Satellite symposium - 30 minutes for including time for Q&A
    • Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
    • Sponsors will need to provide their own moderators
  • 20 delegate places. Up to 20 corporate attendees
  • 4x3m physical and virtual exhibition page
  • Delegate list

Bronze Partner Package

£12,000 plus VAT

  • Satellite symposium - 30 minutes including time for Q&A
    • Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
    • Sponsors will need to provide their own moderators
  • Up to 20 corporate attendees
  • 3x2m physical and virtual exhibition page
  • Delegate list

(£1,200 plus VAT per day)

  • Two complimentary registrations for the conference to include access to all sessions, lunches/coffees/tea for all and 5 virtual attendees
  • All conference materials
  • Central location at conference and a virtual exhibition page
  • Ideal for 3m x 2m pop-up stand or similar
  • Access to 13 amp electricity supply is included, along with table and chairs

(£1,200 plus VAT per day)

  • Two complimentary registrations for the conference to include access to all sessions, lunches/coffees/tea for all and 5 virtual attendees
  • All conference materials
  • Central location at conference and a virtual exhibition page
  • Ideal for 3m x 2m pop-up stand or similar
  • Access to 13 amp electricity supply is included, along with table and chairs
  • 6 week job opportunities listing on BGS website

(£2,000 plus VAT per day)

  • Exhibition stand and demonstration area in the exhibition hall
  • Two complimentary registrations for the conference to include access to all sessions, lunches/coffees/tea for all and 5 virtual attendees
  • All conference materials
  • Central location at conference and a virtual exhibition booth 
  • Ideal for an interactive stand with a display of equipment, app, virtual reality aid or training equipment
  • Access to 13 amp electricity supply is included, along with table and chairs

(£5,000 plus VAT)

  • A 15 minute video session* (AV fully supported by BGS – our AV team will record the content in advance in high quality and schedule to play at allocated time slot or support the live presentation onsite)
  • Accessible by attendees at the time in the programme and on-demand for 12 months
    • *“Spotlight on” sessions require review by BGS Meetings Committee and need to be informative and educational in content.

2023/4 Hybrid Special Interest Group Meeting Packages

 The exhibition and poster presentations are a key part of our conferences. Stands will be organised in layouts designed to maximise footfall to stands. Catering points, posters, and seating will be included across the exhibition space to better draw attendees to interact with you.

2023/4 Hybrid Special Interest Group Meeting Packages

 The exhibition and poster presentations are a key part of our conferences. Stands will be organised in layouts designed to maximise footfall to stands. Catering points, posters, and seating will be included across the exhibition space to better draw attendees to interact with you.

(£5,000 plus VAT)

  • Satellite symposium - 30 minutes including time for Q&A
    • Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
    • Sponsors will need to provide their own moderators
  • Delegate capture form – capture attendee’s details via your own form
  • Key partner package – All sessions from event to include your logo and acknowledgement as key sponsor.
  • Invite up to 10 onsite/ 50 virtual delegate places. Up to 10 onsite/ 20 virtual corporate attendees
  • 3x2m Physical and virtual exhibition page
  • Delegate list
  • Statistic reports on overall attendance, and viewing figures 

(£750 plus VAT)

  • Logo and acknowledgement on preliminary and final programme and event webpage
  • Two complimentary registrations for the conference to include access to all sessions, lunches/coffees/tea for all and 5 virtual attendees
  • All conference materials
  • Central location at conference and a virtual exhibition booth 
  • Ideal for 3m x 2m pop-up stand or similar
  • Access to 13 amp electricity supply is included, along with table and chairs

(£2,500 plus VAT)

  • A 15 minute video session* (AV fully supported by BGS – our AV team will record the content in advance in high quality and schedule to play at allocated time slot or support the live presentation onsite)
  • Accessible by attendees at the time in the programme and on-demand for 12 months
    • *“Spotlight on” sessions require review by BGS Meetings Committee and need to be informative and educational in content.

Virtual Meetings

To adapt to the current world, BGS meetings to the end of 2021 will be delivered virtually. We currently use Swapcard as our event platform for virtual meetings and Zoom webinar for webinars and region meetings.

Participants and sponsors can expect the same high-quality educational content as in a face-to-face meeting, and there will be opportunities for virtual delegates to network and visit exhibitors before, during and after each meeting. Participants joining live will be able to engage with each other, presenters and sponsors through interactive activities during the session, as well as through 1-to-1 and group calls and chats. Recordings of the presentations, including sponsored symposia if wished, will be accessible post-event.

Sponsored symposia


Spring/ Autumn


SIG or Trainee meeting (virtual)

Nation or Region meeting (virtual)

Sponsored symposia

Not available

From £5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£2,500 + VAT

Spotlight sessions (2 per day max)

£750+ VAT


£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

Stand sponsorship

Not available

£500 + VAT

£500 + VAT

£500 + VAT

Livestreaming package partner package

£1,250+ VAT


£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

Virtual Meetings

To adapt to the current world, BGS meetings to the end of 2021 will be delivered virtually. We currently use Swapcard as our event platform for virtual meetings and Zoom webinar for webinars and region meetings.

Participants and sponsors can expect the same high-quality educational content as in a face-to-face meeting, and there will be opportunities for virtual delegates to network and visit exhibitors before, during and after each meeting. Participants joining live will be able to engage with each other, presenters and sponsors through interactive activities during the session, as well as through 1-to-1 and group calls and chats. Recordings of the presentations, including sponsored symposia if wished, will be accessible post-event.

Sponsored symposia


Spring/ Autumn


SIG or Trainee meeting (virtual)

Nation or Region meeting (virtual)

Sponsored symposia

Not available

From £5,000+ VAT

£2,500+ VAT

£2,500 + VAT

Spotlight sessions (2 per day max)

£750+ VAT


£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

Stand sponsorship

Not available

£500 + VAT

£500 + VAT

£500 + VAT

Livestreaming package partner package

£1,250+ VAT


£1,250+ VAT

£1,250+ VAT

 The virtual SIG meeting partner package costs £2,500 plus VAT and includes:

  • Satellite symposium - 20 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A (Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on-demand viewing)
  • Delegate capture form – capture attendee’s details via your own form
  • Key partner package – all sessions from event to include your logo and acknowledgement as key sponsor.
  • Up to 50 delegate places, and up to 20 corporate attendees
  • Virtual exhibition booth
  • Facilitated chat/video calls with attendees
  • Delegate list
  • Statistic reports on attendance, viewing figures, meetings requested and held.

A virtual exhibition booth is charged at £500 plus VAT per day and includes:

  • 5 corporate attendees

  • Live virtual exhibition booth with video links, PDF downloads and links to your website
  • Facility to schedule and host 1-on-1 meetings via chat and video calls

A limited number of 'Spotlight on’ sessions can be sponsored at a cost of £1,250 plus VAT at some of our meetings.

  • Spring or Autumn Annual meetings (limited to 5 only)

  • SIG meetings (limited to 2 only)

These include:

  • 15 minute video sessions* (AV fully support by BGS)
  • Accessible by attendees at that time

     *“Spotlight on” sessions require review by BGS Meetings Committee, and need to be educational in content.

Gold Partner Package

£10,000 plus VAT

  •  Satellite symposium - 20 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A *Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
  •  Delegate capture form – capture attendee’s details via your own form
  • Key partner package – all sessions from event to include your logo and acknowledgement as key sponsor. •
  • Invite up to 50 delegate places. Up to 20 corporate attendees
  • Virtual exhibition booth
  • Facilitated chat/video calls with attendees
  • Delegate list
  • Statistic reports on attendance, viewing figures, meetings requested and held

Silver Partner Package

£7,500 plus VAT

  • Satellite symposium - 20 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A *Fully managed AV, hosted via BGS for on demand viewing
  • 20 delegate places. Up to 20 corporate attendees
  • Virtual exhibition booth
  • Facilitated chat/video calls with attendees
  • Delegate list
  • Carousel logo as a sponsor

Bronze Partner Package 

£5,000 plus VAT

  • Satellite symposium - 20 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A *Fully managed AV, hosted via BGS for on demand viewing
  • Up to 20 corporate attendees
  •  Virtual exhibition booth
  • Facilitated chat/ video calls with attendees
  • Delegate list

Autumn 2020

  • Sponsor 10 1-day attendees - £415 + VAT
  • Sponsor 20 1-day attendees - £750 + VAT
  • Sponsor 50 1-day attendees - £1650 + VAT

SIG meetings

  • Sponsor 10 1 day attendees - £250 + VAT Sponsor
  • 20 1 day attendees - £500+ VAT Sponsor
  • 50 1 day attendees - £750 + VAT

Sponsored delegates will receive details about the sponsor who supported their place (Logo, link to website and 1 pdf attachment) They will be requested to stop by the virtual booth and thank their sponsor

Home delivery care package

£5,000 plus VAT per 1,000 delegates

  •  Improve the delegates’ experience and help them enjoy the conference experience from home
  • A5 letterbox sized parcel sent to all attendees
  • Contains – Tea/ Coffee and biscuits – Notepad (BGS or your own branded pad) – Pen (BGS or your own branded pen) – Activity sheet (colouring page, join the dots) – A5 Sponsor inserts – company information, announcement

2022 Hybrid Local Meetings packages

Our nation and England region meetings are an important way for the BGS to assist members’ professional development. With time pressure on study leave and the expense of travel and accommodation, events closer to members’ places of home and work are valuable resources. These local meetings also provide an important way to forge connections, which can further improve joined-up healthcare for older people and the strengthening of a professional multi-disciplinary community committed to improving older people’s wellbeing and healthcare.

2022 Hybrid Local Meetings packages

Our nation and England region meetings are an important way for the BGS to assist members’ professional development. With time pressure on study leave and the expense of travel and accommodation, events closer to members’ places of home and work are valuable resources. These local meetings also provide an important way to forge connections, which can further improve joined-up healthcare for older people and the strengthening of a professional multi-disciplinary community committed to improving older people’s wellbeing and healthcare.

(£2,500 plus VAT)

  • Satellite symposium - 30 minutes including time for Q&A
    • Fully managed AV, hosted on BGS website for on demand viewing
    • Sponsors will need to provide their own moderators
  • Delegate capture form – capture attendee’s details via your own form
  • Key partner package – All sessions from event to include your logo and acknowledgement as key sponsor.
  • Invite up to 10 onsite/ 50 virtual delegate places. Up to 10 onsite/ 20 virtual corporate attendees
  • 3x2m Physical and virtual exhibition page
  • Delegate list
  • Statistic reports on overall attendance, and viewing figures 

(£1,250 plus VAT)

  • A 15 minute video session* (AV fully supported by BGS – our AV team will record the content in advance in high quality and schedule to play at allocated time slot or support the live presentation onsite)
  • Accessible by attendees at the time in the programme and on-demand for 12 months
    • *“Spotlight on” sessions require review by BGS Meetings Committee and need to be informative and educational in content.

(£500 plus VAT)

  • Two complimentary registrations for the conference to include access to all sessions, lunches/coffees/tea for all and 5 virtual attendees
  • All conference materials
  • Central location at conference and a virtual exhibition booth 
  • Ideal for 3m x 2m pop-up stand or similar
  • Access to 13 amp electricity supply is included, along with table and chairs

(£ varies)

  • With this package the sponsor will provide an unrestricted grant
  • An acknowledgement to the sponsor will be given in the m of the event and on the programme

Additional Items

Additional Items

(£5,000 plus VAT)

  • Filmed sessions to be hosted with logo and acknowledgement to sponsor in an online learning  platform for delegates to access following the conference
  • Following the conference, selected content can be released by the sponsor to a wider community
  • Creates a wide-reaching branding opportunity for sponsors.

We have a limited range of advertising opportunities, to our wider audience via our website, newsletter, and email with minimal reporting available

You can advertise events, job opportunities or information about your organisation via:

  • Website banner to our front page
  • Carry an external event listing
  • Send a sponsored ebulletin
  • A print advert in our Newsletter
  • Via our journal, Age and Ageing 

See our advertising pack for details

(£1,500 plus VAT)

  • With this package the sponsor will provide all delegates with access to the internet via wi-fi.
  • A full acknowledgement to the sponsor will be given in the main room of the event and on the programme

Sign up for mailings

Who attends our events

Who attends our events?

The British Geriatrics Society is a multidisciplinary membership organisation of over 4,000 healthcare professionals who specialise in the healthcare of older people in a variety of hospital and community settings.

Our event delegates include:

  • Consultants and Professors of Geriatric Medicine
  • Specialty Doctors
  • Specialist Registrars (StRs) in Geriatric Medicine and related specialties
  • Nurse Consultants, Nurse Specialists and Advanced Nurse Practitioners
  • GPs and GP Trainees
  • Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Allied Health Professionals
  • Researchers into ageing and age-related conditions
  • Internal Medicine Trainees and Foundation Year Doctors
  • Medical Students

For more information about any of these packages or other ways of working with the BGS, contact Geraint Collingridge, Director of Learning and Professional Development, via g.collingridge@bgs.org.uk or telephone: 020 7608 8573.

Delegate composition

BGS Autumn Meeting 2018 delegate composition

Why sponsor?

Why sponsor?


For our Spring and Autumn Conferences there are five packages with symposia slots. Successful sponsors will be able to present an educational programme relevant to the themes of the meeting, subject to review and discussion from the BGS Meetings Committee. Partnership packages can be tailored to your company’s own needs. All delegates attending will be encouraged to attend the symposia and visit the exhibition stands. 

Our Special Interest Group meetings also support symposia. Sponsors will be able to present a 30 minute session relevant to the special interest area,  subject to review and discussion from the SIG.

Please see the downloadable pdf for more details

#Livestreaming and post-event resources

With pressures on study leave and study budgets, online access to continuing professional development (CPD) and BGS services becomes more and more important. Via introducing family-friendly events, Livestreaming content and publishing post-event resources the challenges facing HCPs can be addressed. Sponsors can support the live streaming of content, and the provision of the recordings via the BGS website with our Educational support options.


Most of our meetings accept stand sponsorship. The exhibition and poster presentations are a key part of our meetings. Stands are organised in layouts designed to maximise footfall to stands. Catering points, posters, and seating will be included across the exhibition space to better draw attendees to interact with you. Stand prices are standardised across meetings and you can find more details including costs in the downloadable pdf.

Additional items for Supporters 

The BGS welcomes opportunities to discuss, with potential partners, ways in which we might collaborate on opportunities beyond the conference. Options include supporting making the content available online, sponsorship of wifi or other services needed at the meeting, to inserts in the delegate packs.

  • Benefit from attending a flagship event for healthcare of older people and demonstrate your brand to over 4,000 members
  • Understand key issues, concerns and challenges facing healthcare specialists working with older people
  • Extend your message and raise the profile of your brand amongst the healthcare professionals
  • Raise awareness of your company as a leader in the healthcare of older people
  • Map new networks of key figures and opinion leaders and gather direct feedback from medical professionals
  • Build stronger relationships based upon a clear understanding of different stakeholder perspectives
  • Become more involved in planning and preparing for future healthcare needs and demands of an ageing society
  • Benchmark with competitors

The British Geriatrics Society is a multidisciplinary membership organisation of over 3,900 healthcare professionals who specialise in the care of older people in a variety of hospital and community settings

  • Consultants and Professors of Geriatric Medicine
  • Specialty Doctors
  • Specialist Registrars (StRs) in Geriatric Medicine and related specialties
  • Nurse Consultants, Nurse Specialists and Advanced Nurse Practitioners
  • GPs and GP Trainees
  • Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Allied Health Professionals
  • Researchers into ageing and age-related conditions
  • Internal Medicine Trainees and Foundation Year Doctors
  • Medical Students

In recognition of commitment to multiple events of the same scale in one booking, we can extend price reductions as below, when booked and invoiced at the same time:

  • 2 - 3 events – 10%
  • 3 - 4 events – 12.5%
  • 5 + events – 15%


Geraint Collingridge, Director of Learning and Professional Development, g.collingridge@bgs.org.uk  or call 020 7608 8573

Highlights from 2019 Autumn Meeting

Having difficulty viewing the stream? Try adjusting your browser settings.

As a fallback the stream can be viewed in a separate tab, however CPD tracking will not work.

Scam warning


If you exhibit in the UK or overseas, whether your company is small or large, you may hear from INTERNATIONAL FAIRS DIRECTORY (IFD), INTER-FAIRS, EXPO-GUIDE, or FAIRGUIDE or CONSTRUCT DATA.

This bogus directory and listing scam has been going on for over 25 years, and people are still getting caught by it.

You will receive an official-looking form (by email or by post). This may be preceded by a phone call asking to check your details for an exhibition listing.

The form will mention your participation in a trade show, and it will appear to have a connection with the organisers of that show. It’s marked “Urgent”, and gives a deadline for return of your company information for an advert in something which appears to be a free online exhibitor listing service or exhibition directory.

The catalogue, directory and online listings referred to do not exist.

Please warn anyone in your office who opens the post or any emails (including “info@” emails) at your company about this scam . Do not complete and return any of these forms.

If you do, you are signing up to a three-year advertising contract in an “International Fairs Directory” or web listing. This will cost hundreds of Euros per year. Signing may also give IFD permission to access images on your website and download them to create “ads” for you. IFD is run by MULPOR Company S.A, of Costa Rica (or any other address they may be using). The detail of what you’re signing up for is in the very small print at the bottom of the form, or in the blurb on the reverse.

If you sign and return these forms, even if you realise your mistake and try to cancel the order, you will receive an invoice. Non-payment of this (and the other invoices which will follow) will result in persistent chasing by “debt collectors”. You should not pay, as you will not be getting the service to which they refer. Ignore any letters and invoices you may receive, and don’t get involved in any conversations on the phone.

Legal proceedings have been brought against Inter-Fairs Directory, Expo-Guide, Fairguide, Mulpor and Construct Data all over the world. Many actions have been successful… but this just results in the company springing up again under a new name and in a new jurisdiction. The latest of these is IFD/Mulpor, of Costa Rica.

Be careful to check everything thoroughly before you sign any forms! Make sure that only a Director or nominated signatory in your company can sign for and sign off any directory entries. Thousands of people and companies have been caught out, and have experienced the hassle of dealing with Expo-Guide and Fairguide/Construct Data (and now IFD).

Make absolutely certain that you are completing only legitimate forms from the organisers of any exhibition in which you are participating.

If you do get caught out, you should report this to the Government’s Anti-Fraud office, Action Fraud, which is run by the City of London Police – follow this link
