The South East Region represents a wide geographical area including South East London, Kent and East Sussex. The Region has two London Teaching Hospitals, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College Hospital, London. Princess Royal University Hospital in Farnborough Common is part of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Also within the London area are University Hospitals, Lewisham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Greenwich. There are also several well-known District General Hospitals in the South East Region as shown on the map.
The county of Kent has a diverse range of towns and cities and is broadly divided into West Kent, Mid Kent, East Kent and Medway. West Kent is served by Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, Mid Kent by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Medway by Medway NHS Foundation Trust and East Kent by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust - It has a huge population of almost 1.6 million.
East Sussex includes the towns of Eastbourne and Hastings and is served by East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust - It has a population of approximately 550,000.
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Thank you for your interest in the South East Region.
Firstly, we would like to say that we hope to see you at future South East Region meetings. Region meetings provide valuable CPD, as well as opportunities to network, learn of local research achievements and to become involved in the work of the BGS. Speakers from multiple disciplines and sectors present on service developments, innovations and specialist topics. Trainees also have the opportunity to present their research, audit projects or clinical practice developments.
We have recently started to have joint meetings with the South West Region. These afford the opportunity to meet with colleagues from our neighbouring region and hear of other’s achievements in service delivery/development. Although meeting in person hasn't been possible recently, we are now hosting events virtually in order to provide the education you need.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any ideas for future meetings or if you would like to present yourself.
South East Region team