BGS Social & Environment Questionnaires
Most healthcare consultations are done outside of the patient’s home and without the next of kin or informal carers present. It is vitally important that healthcare professionals are aware of a patient’s social situation and support structures in order to best tailor their advice and support.
Social assessment has historically been the domain of social workers. Healthcare professionals have tended to ask a few perfunctory questions and move on. Patients’ social circumstances affect their mental and physical wellbeing, compliance with advice and frequency of contact with the health services.
Social assessments can easily be done by the patient themselves, a well-informed carer, a nurse or healthcare assistant or indeed a social worker working as part of the multidisciplinary team.
There are a huge number of different ‘social assessments’ quoted in the literature but they are difficult to access and some are copyrighted. They all ask essentially the same questions, which have been collated in the BGS Social Questionnaire and Environment Questionnaire found below. Please feel free to adopt and adapt these to your own requirements.
Social Questionnaire
Does the patient live alone? If no, who do they live with? |
What informal support is available? |
How often is support available? |
What formal/professional support is available and involved? |
Does the patient get out and about?
If yes has access to own vehicle [e.g. car, mobility scooter]?
If a driver have any concerns been expressed about their ability to drive? If yes, by whom?
If no but able to get out – specify mode of transport – one or more may apply
Is the patient a carer?
If so have they been seen by Carers Support worker?
Have they had a formal carer’s assessment by Social Care?
Do they receive a Carers Allowance?
Are there any Pets?
If yes – do they pose any risk to patient or others?
Has the patient has a social services needs based assessment?
Are they eligible for care funding?
Do they have a personal Budget?
Has Continuing Healthcare screening been completed? Urgent/Non Urgent
Are they eligible for CHC funding?
Are they in receipt of: |
Are there any concerns about Capacity? |
Are there any safeguarding issues – including DOLs? |
Is there anyone with Power of Attorney? If so which sort? If so please record their names Is there an IMCA?
Enduring Power of Attorney Lasting POA – Health &Welfare Lasting POA – Property & Affairs
Has a will been made? Is there a funeral plan? |
Environment Questionnaire
What is the nature of the home circumstances?
Are there any unusual circumstances of which visiting professionals need to be aware (e.g. high rise block of flats with buzzer access, very rural and isolated?) |
Does the accommodation have stairs?
Availability of toilet facilities
Bathroom |
Equipment in situ [drop down menu to be created, e.g. stair lift, commode, hoist, pressure mattress, pressure cushion, syringe driver etc] |
Any need for bariatric equipment? (Bed/hoist/chair/commode) |
Access to the home is via: |
Is the patient able to hear you to allow access if the property is locked? |
Any additional comments about the property/access (e.g. three steps to back door/very dark side access)?
Is there a telephone?
Cooking facilities |
Other comments about kitchen/fridge, etc (e.g. neat and tidy/somewhat clutter/dirty and unhygienic?) |
Any concerns about damp? |
Heating |
Any risks for patient/carers or staff in terms of
Is there a working smoke detector? |
Does the patient have a pendant alarm? If no – would this be appropriate? |
Is there current use or potential scope for use of telecare/telehealth? |