Welsh Continuing Care consultation

The Welsh Government is consulting on changes to NHS Continuing Healthcare and we need your help with the BGS response. We would be grateful if BGS members in Wales could review the consultation documents and send any comments on the questions list below to policy@bgs.org.uk by 31 July 2019.

Continuing NHS Healthcare in Wales (CHC) is a package of care and support for people who have complex care issues which are primarily health based. The NHS in Wales, through local health boards, is responsible for the delivery of CHC, though there are roles for others, including local authorities, in this process. Existing arrangements for the provision of CHC are set out in the National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare in Wales which was published in 2014. The Welsh Government is currently consulting on amendments to the 2014 Framework.

Specifically, the Welsh Government is asking the following questions about the proposed amended Framework:

  1. In addition to revising the Framework we are placing a strong emphasis on its effective implementation. Are there particular areas you would wish to see addressed in materials development to support implementation? If you have answered partly or no could you please tell us what additional information is needed?
  2. The Framework as it standards is a technical document aimed at specialist professionals who oversee assessment and care provision. We would welcome your thoughts on the potential publication of a simplified Framework aimed at both practitioners and service users. Comments on its appropriateness, including suggested format, content and style are welcome.
  3. Does the proposed Framework provide sufficient assurance about the responsibility, ownership and governance of CHC by Welsh Government, LHBs and their partners? If you have answered partly or no can you tell us what you recommend we changed/add?
  4. What approaches could be put in place nationally, regionally and locally to further develop partnership working between local health boards, local authorities and other partners in relation to CGC?
  5. It was felt that some aspects of the Framework lacked clarity. Have we identified and addressed the right areas in the Framework and improved clarity? If you have answered partly or no, can you please tell us what area is unclear?
  6. The following aspects have been considerably revised:
    1. Assessment process
    2. Consideration of eligibility
    3. Use of toolkits, notably the Checklist and the Decision Support Tool.

Do you agree these areas, as they are proposed, are fit for purpose? If you have answered partly or no could you please tell us what additional key areas or changes you would wish to see?

  1. Do you think that individuals and their families are involved enough in the updated assessment process? If you have answered partly or no can you give us details of what you would recommend to be added?
  2. In your view, does the proposed Framework link well with other health and social services policy and guidance? If you have answered partly or no can you tell us what you feel is missing and what you recommend we add?
  3. Is the proposed two-stage process for retrospective reviews appropriate and sufficiently comprehensive? If you have answered partly or no can you tell us what you feel is missing and what you recommend we add?
  4. We would like to know your views on the effects that the new Framework would have on the Welsh language, specifically on opportunities for people to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than English. What effects do you think there would be? How could positive effects be increased or negative effects be mitigated?
  5. We have asked a number of specific questions. Do you have any related issues which have not been specifically addressed?