In September 2016, the BGS submitted a written response to the House of Lords Inquiry into the long term sustainability of the NHS and social care. A Government response to the recommendations from the Inquiry was expected in the Spring of 2017 but it was put on a back burner as a results of the announcement of the general election.
On 20 February, the government published its response to the House of Lords Inquiry. In the foreword of the report, it says:
This Government is deeply committed to the founding principles of the NHS. We want to make sure that the service meets the needs of everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, that care is based on clinical need, and is free at the point of use.
The Lords Select Committee report on the long-term sustainability of the NHS and adult social care made 34 recommendations in the areas of:
- service transformation
- funding the NHS and adult social care
- innovation technology and productivity
- public health, prevention and patient responsibility
- lasting political consensus
The government’s response states that significant efficiencies will be needed to make the NHS and social care system sustainable for the long term.