We want to give more BGS members the opportunity to be involved in our policy work and to ensure that our policy work has input from as diverse a range of our membership as possible. Currently we get input from our wonderful Policy and Communications Committee but opportunities to join that group are limited and we would like to give a broader range of our membership the opportunity to get involved in the work we do to influence health systems and decision-makers in government and the NHS.
We are therefore piloting the introduction of a Policy Advisory Panel. It is intended that the Panel will complement the work of the Policy and Communications Committee, supporting our policy efforts at national level. It will be a virtual group who we would contact on an ad hoc basis for advice or when opportunities arise for members to get involved. This could include providing BGS with advice on policy development; contributing the Society’s views to, and reporting back from, external committees and groups; and representing the Society at events held by other organisations such as All-Party Parliamentary Groups. We envisage that we would call on the panel for advice on specific issues and may often require quick responses.
If you are interested in being more involved in our policy work and believe your experience could help us, please email our Policy Manager Sally at s.greenbrook@bgs.org.uk by the end of January for more information. Please note, in order for the Panel to be truly representative of the Society’s membership we are looking for members from all disciplines and from all parts of the UK. In order to achieve this, it is possible that not everyone who enquires will be able to join the Panel during this pilot phase.