Angela is a Strategic Workforce Development Lead supporting the implementation of the Enhanced Care for Older People Workforce
Competency Framework (EnCOP) across the North East North Cumbria Region. Angela is an experienced older person’s nurse and after 25 + years still feels privileged to work within older person’s care. Working in various positions, Angela developed her early career from Staff Nurse through to Ward Sister and Matron roles within the hospital setting; and for the past 10 years, within intermediate care, social care and community care. Educated to Masters level, Angela is an Older Person’s Nurse Fellow with a keen interest in frailty and what this means for older people living with frailty in their day to day lives, Angela enjoys practice development with the aim of improving services and care for the older population and believes when working with older people, no matter what your job role is, or where you work, you should be valued and supported to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, values and behaviours to work effectively within this challenging but exciting and rewarding area of care.
Mrs Angela Fraser, Northern Region NAHP Rep