
Quality Improvement in Healthcare of Older People 2019

This course is an introduction to Quality Improvement, specifically utilising geriatric medicine cases studies and example data. There are only 40 places available on this course so early registration is encouraged. It is intended for clinicians and healthcare professionals working with older people. We hope you will make contacts and start collaborations which will continue on from this meeting.

Who should attend:

  • Consultants & specialist doctors in acute, emergency or geriatric medicine
  • Researchers in acute, emergency or geriatric medicine
  • Doctors training in related specialties
  • GPs wsi in Older People and GP trainees
  • Nurses and allied health professionals in acute, emergency and geriatric healthcare
  • Core medical trainees considering a career in acute, emergency or geriatric medicine

Conference aims:

  • Improve attendee's skills in planning and completing a Quality Improvement Project
  • Inspire attendees to achieve personal excellence in their project
  • Share focused best practice 
  • Takeaway new activities and ideas to advance attendees' QIP

Limited Bursary available - For Nurses and AHPs funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust

The Dunhill Medical Trust have generously funded a limited number of places at this event with a bursary. All places have been allocated at this time.


Limited Bursary available - For Nurses and AHPs funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust

The Dunhill Medical Trust have generously funded a limited number of places at this event with a bursary. All places have been allocated at this time.


Cost to attend

  BGS Member
Fee (inc VAT)
Fee (Inc VAT)
Consultant / GP £250


SAS Grade / StR / GP Trainee £250 £500
Nurse £250 £500
Allied Health Professional £250 £500
Retired £250 £500
CMT / Foundation Year Doctor £250 £500
Medical Student £250 £500