
Nurse and AHP Council Peer Support

A one-hour webinar via Zoom on Wednesday 24th Feb 19:00-20:00 for the wider Nurse and Allied Health Council members

Who should join:

  • All nurse and allied health professionals, in BGS membership, providing healthcare to older people


  • Improve attendees' knowledge of the Nurses and Allied Health professionals Council in the BGS and future actions
  • Inspire attendees during the COVID19 pandemic to continue providing excellent quality healthcare of older people
  • Share knowledge, connect with people and offer peer support
  • Takeaway new activities and ideas to advance attendees' workplace services

This webinar will be an interactive session where participants will be asked to contribute questions to the presenters.

We are using Zoom for this event. You can read more about joining here.

Before joining this live event

  • Make sure your browser allows third-party cookies.
  • Please keep yourself muted until called upon. Keep your camera on though!
  • There is a Q&A function to interact with the presenters. 
  • You can also join us on Twitter @Gerisoc #BGSConf

Did you know the BGS have a forum via it's website? You can post messages and respond online.

If you are a BGS member, you can start the conversation using the BGS Members Directory where you can contact colleagues with similar interests? You can opt into the Members Directory via your BGS account.



We look forward to launching our three new communities of practice for peer support and professional development.

  • Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners working with Older adults
  • Researchers and clinical academics in older people's healthcare
  • Future leaders


We'll have a wellbeing check in and you will have the opportunity to feedback on what is working well from a BGS perspective and what else we can offer in terms of peer support.

We also seek your input on an NAHP council survey. What is important to you as a BGS member? What would you like us to focus our questions on eg communication/future engagement/what else?

Following the meeting there will be the opportunity to stay on the call for a 20 minutes stretch and relaxation class led by a trained body balance teacher.

We hope to see you there,

Lucy, Frazer and the council committee