2022 BritMODIS

Live 10 June 2022 On Demand until 10 June 2023
This meeting has applied for 6 credits of live CPD accreditation from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)
The BGS Movement Disorders SIG, Association of Palliative Medicine, and Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist Association (PDNSA) delivered the 2022 British Movement Disorders (BritMODIS ) conference for Neurologists, Geriatricians, Therapists and PD Nurse Specialists.

Post Event Access

We understand that you may not be able to tune in to a live-streamed event or webinar as a result of clinical pressures. Therefore, if you view an archived version of a Federation-approved live-streamed event or live webinar within four weeks of it being broadcast you can still claim it as an approved external CPD course. BGS won't send certificates if you watch post event. 

The live CPD codes will be found in the RCP diary.

Watching more than 4 weeks post-broadcast date?

This will be classed by the RCP as distance learning and will be assigned a distance learning code and can be added to the diary as usual distance learning activities would be. 

  • As long as you are registered you can access the event live, or for up to 12 months post-broadcast, via the platform. 
  • The videos are instantly available.
  • You can rewatch content for 12 months if you can’t join them all live.  
  • The RCP will allow you to claim CPD for up to 12 months after the delivery of a meeting where the archives are accessible.  
  • If you watch you will need to record this in your CPD diary using the event code and hours but we won’t send a certificate for people who only watch post event. 

Further information about CPD can be found here.

Distance learning

For the 2022/23 CPD year there will be no limit to the number of external credits that can be claimed for distance learning. In addition to the maximum of 10 approved distance learning credits you may add under the ‘Add Approved Entry’ tab, you may also add unlisted distance learning under the ‘Add Self-Certified Entry’ tab under the ‘Distance Learning’ sub-section. You will need to add them as an ‘External Self-Certified Distance Learning, Clinical or Non-Clinical’. Reading articles in online journals and e-libraries that are not approved should still be recorded as personal self-certified distance learning. Online mandatory training required by your employer should still be recorded as internal CPD.