End of life care portal

The end of life care portal brings together key BGS messages and information on the topic of care for older people at the end of their lives.

BGS has always been active in advocating for better end of life care for older people and has developed guidelines about provision of good care at end of life, as well as joining with other organisations across health and social care to raise awareness of the needs of older people with frailty who are approaching the end of life.

Read BGS's key messages on End of Life Care

BGS key messages

  • The vast majority of those who die each year do so in older age 
  • Those who die in older age often have multiple long-term conditions, including frailty resulting in health and social care needs 
  • What matters to people at the end of their lives should drive planning of EOLC services and support  
  • People should be supported to die in their preferred place of death   
  • The workforce supporting end of life care needs upskilling

Read our key messages in full