Dr Sarah-Jane Bailey

England Council Representative
Sarah-Jane Liddington

Sarah-Jane Bailey is an ST6 in Geriatrics and General Internal Medicine, based in Severn Deanery

I applied to be the BGS trainee representative for England because I am passionate about improving the working lives of junior doctors as well as improving recruitment and retention in a much needed, fantastic specialty. My year out of programme as a National Medical Director's Clinical Fellow has taught me the benefits of engaging with colleagues regionally and nationally to share problems, learning and innovation. It is a great privilege to work with the BGS to ensure trainees are kept up-to-date with national issues, to communicate with the different regions to see how they are being impacted and to advocate for training and systems that allow us to provide the best quality of care possible for our patients. 

Email: sarah-jane.bailey@rcplondon.ac.uk

Twitter: @sjvbailey
