I am currently Consultant in Geriatric Medicine at Whittington Health NHS Trust.
The last two years have been incredibly challenging for the whole MDT workforce, but I feel there is no better time for The British Geriatrics Society to be increasing its profile, impact, influence, and most importantly relevance to its members. My main priority is for the society to continue to connect with its members as they navigate the highs and lows of working in the NHS. Despite the intensity of working through the pandemic, I still love the privilege and challenge of being a geriatrician and I hope I can use this role to help restore some of the joy to our specialty.
How can members get involved?
Take the opportunity to connect in whatever way you can! There are opportunities advertised every month in the bulletin and plenty happening over on Twitter too. Attend a conference or regional meeting. Look through some of our excellent policy documents. Most importantly - tell us what you think and what matters to you.