Michael Magee is an ST3 based in the Southeastern Trust of the Northern Ireland Deanery
Committee position
Northern Ireland Representative
Role in the committee
- Represent trainees from N. Ireland at the BGS trainees committee
- Feedback to both trainees and the BGS trainees committee any issues that affect training in N. Ireland
BGS Trainee’s Committee representation (Internal & external meetings)
BGS Trainees council meetings, BGS Trainees update meeting at biannual BGS meetings and Annual trainees weekend, Northern Ireland National Council
Reason for joining the BGS Trainees’ Council
- I want to be a voice for Northern Ireland trainees at a national level. At times Northern Ireland trainees are at risk of becoming isolated from the rest of trainees in the UK and I hope to be the link between these two groups.
- Ensure that trainees in Northern Ireland are supported and have access to training and research opportunities.
- Ensure we remain up to date in changes and issues related to our training.
Why trainees should get involved with the Council?
- Great opportunity to take an active role in the future of geriatric medicine.
- Provides vital experience in leadership and training.
Length of committee position: 2 years
Date of next re-election to this role: April 2019
Contact details (email address +/- twitter)