I am an ST5 Registrar in the South East London Deanery, currently working at Kings College Hospital, London.
I joined the trainee’s council as the England Council Representative in 2021, keen to represent the trainee’s views and difficulties at the BGS England Council Meetings. Through this role, I was able to connect with the trainee representatives across England and support the junior regional representatives in organising their regional meetings and highlight to the council discrepancies in training across the country. With my special interest being in Community Geriatrics, I have had the pleasure of writing for Agenda about my experience, as a trainee, in Community Geriatrics.
Reason for joining the BGS Trainees Council
I applied for this role as it combines my passion of Geriatric Medicine and supporting Geriatric Trainees which I already do in my role as the South East London Geriatric Trainee Representative. I have also spent 2 years doing an OOPE in Community Geriatrics. I am excited to utilise these experiences along with Victoria as a fellow Co-Chair to further build the trainee community, including expanding the content for trainees on the website and working together with the wider MDT.
Why trainees should get involved with the committee
BGS has a lot to offer for trainees at all stages in their career, inspiring doctors to become future geriatricians but also provides tools to support doctors in other specialities to look after older people. I look forward to developing and expanding the Trainees Council to benefit all trainees and ultimately the patients in the future.
Term of office: 2 years (Until November 2025)
Email: julianaa.raghu@nhs.net
Twitter: @Rags_sad