Jenny Harrison is an ST6 based in the South East Scotland Deanery and serving as Scotland representative on the Trainees' Council.
Your role in the committee:
Represent trainees from Scotland at the BGS Trainees Council
Feedback to both trainees and the BGS trainees Council any issues that affect training in Scotland
BGS Trainee’s Committee representation (Internal & external meetings)
Internal: BGS Trainees council meetings, BGS Scotland meetings
Reason for joining the BGS Trainees’ Council
I think it is hugely important, with the increasing differences between healthcare in Scotland and the rest of the UK, that Scottish trainees have a strong voice in the national arena
I want to ensure that innovative, novel practices are shared within Scotland and beyond
I want to ensure that trainees throughout Scotland have the opportunity to develop their specialist skills and have access to high quality training and research opportunities
Why trainees should get involved with the committee?
The committee gives trainees a great opportunity to develop leadership skills
As we are the future of geriatric medicine, it is vital that our voice is heard to guide the direction of the BGS
It is really important that we interact with policy-makers to ensure that we get the training needed to be able to provide high quality care to our patients now and in the future
Duration of committee position: 2 years
Date of next re-election to this role: April 2018
Contact details (email address +/- twitter) jamurray@doctors.org.uk