Dr Florence Wedmore

Sustainability Representative

About Me:

I am an ST4 academic trainee based in London. I have a long-standing interest in how we can reduce the environmental impact of healthcare, while also improving outcomes for our patients. From 2022-2023 I was the Chief Sustainability Officer’s Clinical Fellow and I spent a year between the Greener NHS team and the BMJ working on how to support clinicians to practice sustainable healthcare.

Reason for joining the BGS Trainee’s Council:

I’m really looking forward to working with the committee to promote environmentally sustainable healthcare.

Climate breakdown is a huge risk to health, and older people are particularly vulnerable to these risks. At the same time healthcare has a big carbon footprint. There are lots of changes that we can make to practice better healthcare for older adults which also reduce the carbon footprint of that care. Some examples of these include prioritising prevention, reducing unnecessary tests and interventions, and better person-centred care. I would like to support more trainees to get involved in sustainable quality improvement. I will also be working with Rowan Harwood to support this work in the wider BGS community.


  • Trainee Council meetings.
  • Working with Rowan Harwood to build sustainability work across the BGS

Why trainees should get involved with the committee:

If there is something that you are really passionate about, and want to make a difference at a national level, I would encourage you to get involved in as many ways as you can.

Term of Office: 2 years

Current location: ST4 at University College London Hospital

E-mail/twitter etc: florencetabitha.wedmore@nhs.net or twitter @fwedmore