Dr Dylan Fisher Barry

LTFT Representative

I’m currently an ST4 Geriatric Medicine trainee based in the North West London Deanery. I graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2017 and have undertaken my previous postgraduate training mainly in North Central and East London. Prior to commencing IMT, I took an “F3” and “F4”, including spending a year working in New Zealand.

I have always been passionate about working with older adults and had long considered a career in medicine for the older adult, however it took me several years decide to commit to medical training. A large part of this was the perceived high demands of the hospital rota and on-call commitments and subsequent impact on my personal life. I determined that Geriatric Medicine was the training pathway for me and the relaxation of restrictions to applying for Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training has allowed me to commence my training LTFT.

As such I’m excited to join the BGS Trainees Council as one of the LTFT representatives and am keen to support those who choose to work LTFT for whatever reason they choose. Working LTFT has opened my eyes to some of the challenges that LTFT trainees face. I aim to listen to trainees and act as an advocate for those who wish to work LTFT to help identify and tackle issues which may act as barriers to the provision of quality training.