Who should attend?
We look forward to welcoming attendees from clinical and healthcare professions including geriatric medicine, nursing, allied healthcare (mental health), and senior community and care home professionals.
Why attend?
The webinar is available on the OPMH and Dementia section of the Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism COVID-19 Response Cell – Future NHS Collaboration Platform: https://future.nhs.uk/MHLDAcovid19/view?objectId=21051152.
If you are not already registered for access, please email england.mhldaincidentresponse@nhs.net to request registration.
NHS England and Improvement’s Dementia Programme is hosting a webinar on specific considerations for delirium during COVID-19, which will take place on 24 June, from 13.00-14.30.
Delirium is marker of acute illness and is increasingly recognised as being a condition linked to the presentation of COVID-19, particularly in older people. This presents new challenges in terms of recognition and management, especially in the community setting.
This webinar brings together experts in the field to discuss:
- how delirium presents in the context of COVID-19;
- how to care for someone with delirium and COVID-19; and
- how to provide good care in the community, with additional focus on the care home setting.
Our speakers have backgrounds in psychiatry, geriatric medicine and mental health nursing and include:
Host: Professor Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia, NHS England and Improvement
Chair: Dr Emma Vardy, Consultant Geriatrician and Honorary Senior lecturer, Clinical Dementia Lead Salford ICO, Associate CCIO for GDE pathway redesign Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Thomas Jackson: Consultant Geriatrician, Queen Elizabeth Hospitals Birmingham; Clinician Scientist in Geriatric Medicine, Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham
Addressing: presentation of delirium and detection in the context of Covid-19
- Dr Mani Krishnan: Consultant in Old Age/Liaison Psychiatry, Senior Clinical Director TEWV NHS Foundation Trust; Academic Secretary/ Chair Elect of the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Associate Dean HEE
Addressing: management of delirium and follow-up
- Helen Pratt: Project Manager, Dementia United, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
Addressing: delirium community pathways and care
- Professor Adam Gordon, Care of Older People, University of Nottingham, Consultant Geriatrician, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS
Addressing: delirium care in the community and care homes
We will ensure that there is also time set aside for a question and answer session at the end of the presentations.
We look forward to welcoming attendees from clinical and healthcare professions including geriatric medicine, nursing, allied healthcare (mental health), and senior community and care home professionals.
If you would like to join this webinar, which will take place on 24 June, from 13.00-14.30, please email ENGLAND.DomainTeam@nhs.net and we will send you a link to the event. A recording of the webinar will be made available.
NHS England and Improvement’s Dementia Programme is hosting a webinar on specific considerations for delirium during COVID-19, which will take place on 24 June, from 13.00-14.30.