Applications are now open for the British Geriatrics Society’s Rising Star awards. These prestigious awards are made to people who show exceptional promise in their research or clinical quality work, and have the potential to be leaders within healthcare for older people.
There are two Rising Star awards each year. One is for research contributions that have translated into, or are in the process of being translated into, improvements to the care of older people. The other is for clinical quality, through quality improvement work that demonstrates improved care for older people with frailty.
This year the BGS is keen to see more applications relating to clinical quality and quality improvement. While the awards are open to all professions who fulfil the criteria, the Society is particularly interested in encouraging an increase in applications from nurses and allied health professionals. Individuals can nominate themselves or can be nominated by others for the awards.
Both awards are made to BGS members who have a programme of ongoing research or relevant project work and care, and are within 15 years (or pro-rata equivalent, taking account of periods of absence, e.g. for parental leave or part-time employment) of graduation from medical school or their first relevant degree. The awards are made to those who have already made a significant impact in the healthcare of older people above what would normally be expected at that stage of a career.
Recipients of the award will be expected to present a summary of their work in a platform presentation during one of the BGS national conferences (Spring or Autumn Meeting) within a year of their award. The winner will be presented with a certificate by the BGS President at the meeting. Their award will be publicised in AGENDA magazine, our e-bulletin FrontPAGE and blog, on the BGS website as well as via BGS social media. There is also a cash prize of £250 for each category, generously donated by the family of the late Dr Jim George for Clinical Quality, and £250 by the family of the late Dr John Dall for Research.
The Rising Star awards are a prestigious acknowledgement of an individual’s leadership potential. Past winners have gone on to take up senior clinical or academic roles and have also become senior officers within the BGS.
How to apply
- Applications should consist of a CV (max 4 pages), and a supporting statement (max 2 pages) which should indicate:
- Achievements to date, current programme of work and plans for the next 3-5 years
- Presentations at, or involvement in significant events, meetings or conferences
- Strength of the individual’s academic background (academic)
- Strength of the individual’s clinical service developments (quality)
- Impact of academic publications (academic)
- Wider impact of activities and/or policy involvement (quality)
In addition, we will require two written references that must be sent with your application.
Applications will be reviewed by an independent panel which will then make recommendations to the BGS Board of Trustees. The panel will be representative of key BGS areas of work (policy, clinical quality, and academia), and will consist of:
- The BGS Vice President of Research and Academic Affairs
- The BGS Vice President of Clinical Quality
- The BGS Deputy Honorary Secretary
- The BGS Chair of the Nurse and AHP Council
- The BGS Chief Executive.
Please send your application electronically to Joanna Gough, BGS Quality and Research Manager, at The deadline for applications is 9 October 2023. Receipt of your application will be acknowledged by email. If you have any queries, please call Joanna on 0207 608 8574.
Past winners