BGS responds to the government’s announcement of a social care commission

Today, the government has released its plans to conduct a major review of adult social care provision in England. 

The Department of Health and Social Care has announced that Baroness Louise Casey is to head up an independent commission.

There will be two phases to the work. In the first phase, the commission will identify the critical issues facing adult social care and set out proposals for reform in preparation for establishing a National Care Service. The second phase will make longer-term recommendations for the transformation of social care, reporting by 2028.  

Professor Jugdeep Dhesi, President of the British Geriatrics Society, said: 

We welcome the announcement of a commission and planned reform of the adult social care sector, something that is long overdue. 

“For the many older people who need the support of social care services, this reform cannot come soon enough. 

“We are however disappointed that the commission will take until 2028 to deliver its final recommendations. Different options for an affordable and effective social care system have been researched in considerable detail already, and what is required now is the political will, investment and leadership to implement a long-term sustainable solution.”