The BGS was dismayed to learn this week of a major error in the communication of results of the MRCP Part 2 exam, which candidates sat in September 2023.
An announcement on 19 February from MRCP(UK), run by the Federation of Royal Colleges, admitted that of the 1451 candidates who took the MRCP Part 2 exam, 283 received incorrect information about their marks.
This significant error, which occurred nearly 18 months ago, has only now come to light. The group of 283 affected candidates includes trainees in geriatric medicine, who make up the largest medical specialty.
The personal toll and career implications for people now finding out their actual results differ from those they received at the time are considerable, and there are wider ramifications for employment and patient safety.
An independent review of what went wrong must be held, to look into the failure of quality assurance, follow-up and accountability. Every effort must be made to mitigate the impact of this on the careers of those doctors affected, including legal and psychological assistance where required. Individualised support must be provided to doctors in IMT, ST3 and ST4, who are those most likely to be affected.
The BGS urges geriatric medicine trainees to get in touch so that we can offer advice and support. Resident doctors work incredibly hard providing care for older people, bearing the brunt of much of the pressure on the health service this winter. Errors like this are highly damaging to confidence in the system of education and assessment. Our healthcare workforce deserves better.
Have you been affected by this error? Please contact us for further support.